48 coaches online • Server time: 21:00
Memphis hu-Maniax
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Guard, 2. Juggernaut, 3. Frenzy
Doubles: 1. Jump Up, 2. Dodge or Side Step
Guard (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Mighty Blow, 2. Strip Ball, 3. Frenzy
Doubles: 1. Dodge, 2. Jump Up
+MA (30k)
Guard (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Mighty Blow, 2. Grab, 3. Stand Firm
Doubles: 1. Dodge, 2. Jump Up or Side Step
+MA (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Mighty Blow, 2. Grab, 3. Stand Firm
Doubles: 1. Side Step, 2. Jump Up
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Leader (20k)
Safe Throw (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Kick-Off Return, 2. Leader 3. Nerves of Steel
Doubles: 1. Strong Arm, 2. Dodge or Sure Feet
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Sure Hands, 2. Leap
Doubles: 1. Nerves of Steel, 2. Guard
Development -
Stats: May ignore stats as this player should become a dedicated fouler or retire
Normal: 1. Wrestle, 2. Sneaky Git, 3. Dirty Player
Doubles: Guard (maybe; this player should become a dedicated fouler or retire)
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Development -
Stats: +ST (possibly take Block), +MA on non-doubles
Normal: 1. Guard, 2. Stand Firm, 3/4/5. Break Tackle/Grab/Piling On
Doubles: 1. Block, 2. Pro or Dodge
Development -
Stats: +ST, possibly +AG or +AV
Normal: 1. Wrestle 2. Fend, 3. Dirty Player, 3. Tackle/Strip Ball (whichever is needed more)
Doubles: 1. Guard, 2. Dodge
Mike missed a lot of games due to a -AV injury. But he went through physical therapy and is back and ready to play.
Development -
Stats: +ST, possibly +AG or +AV
Normal: 1. Wrestle 2. Fend, 3. Dirty Player, 3. Tackle/Strip Ball (whichever is needed more)
Doubles: 1. Guard, 2. Dodge
Mark missed some games due to a -AV and -AG injuries. But he went through physical therapy and is back and ready to play.
Guard (30k)
Wrestle (20k)
Development -
Normal: 1. Fend, 2. Tackle/Strip Ball (whichever is needed more)
Doubles: 1. Dodge, Jump Up or Side Step
Development -
Stats: +ST, possibly +AG or +AV
Normal: 1. Wrestle 2. Fend, 3. Dirty Player, 3. Tackle/Strip Ball (whichever is needed more)
Doubles: 1. Guard, 2. Dodge
Leonta's career seemed over for sure, after racking up -AG, a Niggling Injury and -ST. The team freed him from his contract to go find a specialist, and he returned before the very next game good as new. Minus his Wrestling abilities, of course. Still, it's great to have him back.
Sure Hands
+AG (40k)
Development -
Stats: Any (MA over AV)
Normal: 1. Kick, 2. Block, 3. Leader, 4. Hail Mary Pass
Doubles: 1. Dodge, 2. Guard