Potioning blog
#1 all time dark elf lineman
Rarakod got his +ST in the team's 4th match, together with
his brother Arali's first +ST. Where Arali used his doubles to become a guarder (but then took a rock to the face), Rarakod used his to become a basher. And how! After 83 games, Rarakod became a legend, and rolled his second doubles to pile on (third if you count the +ST). I regret not giving him jumpup at superstar to allow for PO or dodge at legend, but I was still learning the ropes back then.
Rarakod is my 2nd ever legend, and the last remaining player of the original squad. He became something of a chaos warrior, first suffering -MA, then -AG. I considered using my potion on him for a long time. When a fireball smashed his collar bone in his
134th game, I was very glad that I hadn't potioned him yet before then: he had -MA -AG -ST before drinking my kickstarter potion on January 28th, 2015 after 134 games.
Of course then FUMBBL broke piling on and gave him juggernaut instead, which is pretty meh. =(