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<center><i><big>Fastest member of the team: <b>Rincewind the Wizzard</b></big></i>
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Rincewind must be one of the most travelled characters in the Discworld series. He has seen Hell, the Dungeon Dimensions, the end of the world and its creation
(where he very probably started life with his sandwich). He has been to XXXX, Klatch, the Agatean Empire, the Rim and all sorts of other interesting places. However, he probably cannot describe any of these places, because he was always running so fast that his feet barely touched the ground. He seems to be constantly running away from danger (as such, most of his scars are on his
back). He is the first to call himself a coward, but in fact he is not.
He always gets himself into dangerous situations, because he always has to help the helpless and innocent, even if half the time he would rather run away before it starts to happen to him.
Also he is very realistic and rather cynical, so he knows when a situation is wrong and when, for instance, a bunch of poor foolhardy kids are going to get themselves killed.
He has been "almost" dead so often that Death calls Rincewind his hobby and does not actually know when he is going to die. Rincewind's life-timer has evolved in shape, much to Death's professional interest: far from resembling
a simple hour-glass, it now manifests as a multi-dimensional glass-blower's nightmare, describing as having apparently been created by a glass-blower who had hiccups in a time machine, most likely due to his extensive dimensional and
temporal travels while in constant fear of death. It is imposible to track the sand inside with any degree of accuracy, as occasionally it appears to move backwards.
Death has a theory about Rincewind. He is aware that many cultures and civilisations have the concept of the Eternal Champion, the eternal, ever-renewed hero, the Champion with a thousand faces. As Death is unable to enlighten even by default on conditions in the next world, He generally refrains from commentating. Privately, though, Death is aware of the particular Discworld condition that every condition and state of mind must have its
opposite - thus Drunk - Knurd, Crime - Anticrime, Matter - Antimatter, etc. He has wondered, as He regards Rincewind's unique life-timer, whether this belongs to the Eternal Coward, the anti-hero with a thousand retreating backs. Many cultures, after all, have the legend of an Eternal Champion who one day will be
reborn in time of greatest need (He even knows there is one in undying sleep underneath Lancre, and there certainly was one in Holy Wood). It is possible that the balance of nature calls for an Eternal Coward who, when faced with waking up one morning to face down great threat, will pull the covers over his head and ignore the alarm clock.
<b><u>Enemies outrun:</u></b>
<a href=""><img src=""></img></a>
<b><u>Hordes outrun:</u></b>
<a href=""><img src=""></img></a>