8 coaches online • Server time: 08:05
MIst Guardians
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Strong Arm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Guard (20k)
replacing the legandary Ghost. cas's an ogre in his first game. will he fill Ghost's shoes one day?
+AG (40k)
Pass Block (20k)
Pro (20k)
Shadowing (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Tackle (20k)
the Guardians' original wardancer, first quad, first double quad, first triple quad, and first tetra-quad.
Earned a 5 ag in their first game after scoring 2 Tds vs. an angry lot of gobbos.
Gains stripball in game #3 where he earned a TD, kills a lineman, and earns MVP!
Game #5 - earns Side Step in what could have been a great game against Warpstone...but trips and SI himself. so we settle for a tie....will miss game 6.....AND STEALS MVP ONCE AGAIN from the desperate lineman that need them so badly....should we disband?
Game #7 play against first dwarf team. Caliac misses several leaps and is constantly KO-ing and eventually SI-MNG himself out. He played like crap and ....STEALS THE FREAKIN MVP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Lineman are ready to mutiny. At least he'll not be around to do that again next game.
Game 10: very important player in stealing ball from the gutterrunners. earns a comp point and becomes Mist Guardians' first quad.
Game 12: was putting off caliac's next skill b/c I was afraid he'd age....and was right. Caliac loses his amazing agility and powers back down to a simple wardancer. the era is over. oh....AND STEALS THE MVP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!
Game 18: cracks the head of another wood elf for triple quad status!
Game 21: Smacks an annoying 9M high elf catcher into next Thursday and of course....earns the MVP for it. Great news...hits 76+ and NO AGING.....YEEEEEAH BABY!!!!
Game 22: Guess who got the MVP....
TOP TEN ALERT: Caliac is the 10th most MVPs for an active ranked wardancer. narrow scope, but a top ten is a top ten : )
Game 25: throws a comp to earn tetra-quad status in a blowout game vs. some Ogres. turn 8 second half, SI's himself on a dodge...goober! seriously threatening a loss for our next game (no stripball).
Game 36: Steals the MVP and becomes most successful player for Head Coach Mike...away from Prince Elegan.
Game 41: totally chokes in the UI qualifier game 1. does nothing right. can't leap, can't stripball, cant' stay on the field. we lose...big
Hit 126spp, and ages...niggle (2nd failed age roll). well...that era is over, hopefully the shadowing will pay off.
1/17/08 Quaffs the famous 1 million game potion to rejunvenate and swear off the effects of aging (niggle and -ag). Back to 5 agility baby!!! Decided to use now since he'll die before legend status ; )
6/1/10 pounds a few goblins into goo and wins the hearts of the fans. Very close to legend status now! 7 sp more! also a nona quad!
6/17/10 Quads again and scores a TD into legendhood. our first deca quad. Ages again, picks up pass block to start on the INTs and fittingly gets another MVP!
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Guard (30k)
Side Step (20k)
game 57: a great victory of the wood elves upon their most hated rivals, Sotek's Warriors! Heavenly makes a TD and upgrades to guard!
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Block (20k)
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)