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messengers of the wood
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Frigg the treeman was grown up. In a wood near a small orc village. The orcs cut down both friggs parent. He was one of the only once that suvived a fire. After that he allways was afriad of anything....
willy aka wind wisper has been wispering whit the wind for ages and have learn manny of it's screts and how have learned to make abselut no wind resitance at all when he runs!!! thats why he is so fast he can allmost follow up whit the wind.. but ages of study have made hes bones and musels week...
jonny wind walker has allways loved the wind and hes famaly do to all in his famaly are fast and he often try to cacht hes own shadow... fast as the wind they say about hes famaly...
Sure Feet
joe the messenge has allways been the one who had to deliver the messeges to the dragons about when they could get the gold and how much gold they had made until now.. some say that he escaped when dragons attack and took the prisenors..
gorge know as wise wood thrower was a verry unpleased kid he allways made bloodballs out of wood and played whit hes little brother.. some times he played alone then he used to try to hit the middle of the windows in the nearlaying houses some times he hit the wood in the middle and sometimes it sayed crash!!! follow bye a vocie screaming GORGE!!!!
wicky wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
green wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
wood wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
lazzy wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
dirty wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
william the wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..
leo the wall is a mebber of "The wall" famaly The wall famaly is a "big" famaly some say that there grad dad was a giant and there grand mother was an ogre... mother and father wall have 14 kids but allmost all are grown ups.. they all miss there 2 dead brothers water wall and wise wall :'(..