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Poikilothermic Punters
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
DESCRIPTION: A large stout bodied lizard with a short, fat tail. The scales on the upper surfaces are hard, rounded, and bead-like. The tongue is dark and forked. Markings consist of a pattern of black bands or reticulations on a peach, orange, yellow, or pink background. There are usually 3 to 5 black bands on the tail. The snout and sides of face are black.
BEHAVIOR: The relatively slow moving and lethargic Gila Monster spends most of its time on the line of scrimmage. When active it tromps with an awkward, lumbering gait. Its total playing activity may add up to just 3 weeks per year. It is diurnal in spring and fall and nocturnal during the hot summer months. During the cold months of winter and late fall it hibernates in an underground shelter, such as a locker room. It is not aggressive unless it is harassed, captured, or being paid.
DIET: The Gila Monster is a carnivore that feeds on humans, orcs, skaven, lizards, and carrion. It stores fat in its tail. Four or five meals may be enough to sustain the lizard for an entire year.
DESCRIPTION: A small, shiny lizard with a thick neck, a small head, and small limbs. Coloration is copper and the tail is bright blue. A wide, dark brown stripe runs along each side of the body extending from the eye to the hind limbs. The scales are large, rounded, smooth, and very shiny.
BEHAVIOR: Active during the day but most activity occurs under surface cover, or behind a wall of protective Sauruses. When spotted it can be quite difficult to capture as it quickly slides and zigzags through the grass, rocks, and surface cover. It is capable of casting off (and regenerating) the tail. Pursuers, predators, and potential tacklers often end up with nothing but a wiggling tail.
DIET: The Mountain Skink feeds on beetles, flies, and a variety of other insects. It also eats a variety of spiders.
DESCRIPTION: An exceptionally flat and wide lizard with four widely separated, short, spike-like scales projecting from the back of the head. There are a few sporadic, pointed, projecting scales on the back. The tail is thin (for a horned lizard) and round in cross-section. This lizard's lack of a distinct fringe of enlarged, pointed scales on the lower edge of the body distinguishes it. Base coloration is and can change to more closely match the soil and to aid thermoregulation. There are dark bands on the tail and dark, soft-edged, shadow-like blotches on the neck and lower sides of the body. The underside is plain white.
BEHAVIOR: This primarily diurnal ground-dweller is most active in the mid-morning and on overcast days. It is also occasionally active at night. It hibernates during the cold months of winter and late fall. When threatened it often hunches its back, lowers its head, and remains motionless. This posture, coupled with the shadow-like markings on its lower sides, make the lizard resemble a small rock. When captured it may inflate itself by gulping air and poke with the horns.
DIET: The Round-tailed Horned Lizard feeds primarily on ants but it also takes termites, beetles, butterfly and moth larvae, snotlings, and other insects.
DESCRIPTION: A medium to large, shiny lizard with a long, thick tail (when not regenerated), a stout body, and short limbs. Coloration is gray-brown. The scales are large, rounded, smooth, and very shiny. Its lack of dark markings distinguish this lizard from the similar-looking Great Plains Skink (Plestiodon Obsoletus).
BEHAVIOR: Active during the day. Most activity occurs under surface cover or on moist overcast days, except on game days when it endures the stadium lights. This secretive ground-dweller shelters under logs, rocks, leaf litter, dying goblins, and other surface debris. When spotted it can be quite difficult to capture as it quickly slides and zigzags through the rocks and surface debris. It is capable of casting off (and regenerating) the tail. Pursuers and tacklers often end up with nothing but a wiggling tail.
DIET: The Gilbert's Skink feeds on a variety of insects and spiders.
Catch (20k)
Side Step (20k)