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Blood Lust
Hypnotic Gaze
Pro (20k)
Blood Lust
Hypnotic Gaze
Pro (20k)
.....åh, Mayer, gje meg ett kyss, gje meg en ny vår...... (Knekke deg til sist)
This sinister character has been one of Kaizers loyal allies for a hundred years. Granted the cursed kiss long time ago, he now runs the asylum for misfits and the mentally challenged, Dieter Mayers Institution.
He is feared under a long range of names: Mayer, Hr.Direktør, Papa, Maestro.... His natral talent for evil made him an ideal candidate for Kaizers team.
...han var intressert i så mang en ting,
ja,alt fra helvete til Tensing...(Ompa til du dør)
Sven is probably the most unwilling thrall in the Resistansen. the former murderer was awaiting his execution in Sonny's dungeons when Kaizer came. He had tried to kill Sonny's former mistress, Victoria. His violent potential recognized, Kaizer took him of Sonny's hands. Not a soul in the team likes or trusts this man...
...eg har brukt min revolver i din fars katedral,
men eg har aldri vært illojal...(Frå sjåfør til passasjer)
One of Sonny's best, and most trusted men. He would follow his master to hell and back, even if that means playing bloodbowl for Kaizer.
...og når du har tapt, då kan ingen hjelpa deg...(Rullett)
The only dead member of the team, Tony was raised by Kaizer following a roulette accident in Marcellos cellar. Dominique was responsible for looking after the young and impetous man, but failed, and has been given the stick ever after. But even as a zombie, Tony is full of life, and shows great bloodbowl potential...
Eg ber deg. Hjelp, Fader, hjelp meg! (Bak et Halleluja)
Even priests become corrupt, and Martin is amongst the worst. He prays for a glass, and blesses for a schilling. Forgiveness or judgement is something Sonny applies. With father Martin on the team, the issues woth constant funerals was taken care of...
Slepp det du har i hendene, Frøken Sudine...(Katastrofen)
Sonny's former mistress was not originally intended for the team, but she insisted. She says she would like to see Sonny safe, but secretly, she will not leave her new love, Vincente's side.
...på søndag kl.12 vil hu ikkje sjå ein dråpe blod! (Resistansen)
Marcellos older mistress was chosen only because of her loyalty to Sonny and Marcello. Her physique is frail, and she is not expected to live long in this brutal game...
Du sko heller presentert oss for presten
enn å legge oss inn på delikatessen....(Delikatessen)
Vincente was picked up from the street, claiming to be a fugitive fleeing from a horrible institution led by someone calling himself maestro. Having nowhere to go, he accepted Kaizers oppressive contract conditions.