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Monstrous Agility
+AG (40k)
+MA (30k)
Frenzy (20k)
The first crowd pusher for the team.
Killer has gotten 6 touch downs, flaunting it in front of the other team as they recover from the crowd, him or his team mates.
Killer has gotten 1 casualty, a slann catcher, the move was controversial as he was the one that could get the touch down at the time and he would be putting himself in the grips of a blitzer, which are renown for grbbing peoples ankles causing them to trip an otherwise easy dodge, when asked about it he answered: "when I saw that slann catcher nursing his injury I couldn't resist, I motioned for my team mate to hold the blitzer off and then rushed the catcher going into a blood lust, my original attack pushes him back a bit, while my second pushes him to the ground with a satisfying crunch. They took the liability off the pitch and my team preceded to score later rather than sooner."
Safe Throw
Accurate (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
First fouler on the team.
He has lived up to the name numbskull having not done a lot of good fouling, last game for instance he was sent off on his first foul causing only a stun on a gutter runner, while another rookie elf caused a blitzer to be sent off a few turns later
In Ref Beater's second game he caused 3 casualties on the cursed dark elves.
He is now equal first casualty generator (if you don't count crowd pushes and fouls anyway)
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
The main hurter.
Early in his career Mr. Stick got a liking for hurting things, though maybe not as scary as a fully fledged killer he has started to make a name for himself with two injuries caused he is at the front of the change this team is seeking.