Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Dauntless (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Surnamed "the gutshot" by Deggot Resdenbidden.
First Legend on the team after 67 games (61 cas)
After 21 matches
-----------Technical Overview----------
Litto has always been the most violent player of the team, that was demonstrated by the mighty blow he started hitting opponents with since game 3. He gradually grew into a more sophisticated killing machine, to the point that his presence alone on the pitch will scare the less brave coaches, making them change their own strategy. An elf team once spent the whole first half gang-fouling him, while the other maraduers gladly walked to the td line, hitting random loners on their way. But Litto is a thug and he survived.
---------Role in the team---------------
His importance for the team is great, as he removes players from the pitch, who are often more skilled or have better stats than his team-mates. 14 Cas after 20 games played (missed one when he still hadn't learned how to pile-on) but way more importance as the kos he dealt were uncountubles.
-----Personality and Background---------
Litto is very determined, and kinda simple-minded, he's a dreamer and sometimes people talk to him as grown-up child. The truth is he has a magical vision of life, making him think everything is possible if you really try hard enough. Oh, and he really likes breaking things, bones mostly. Even if his killing intent might scare you in the beginning, once he gets to know you he is a very delicate and caring person. He doesn't hurt people on the pitch just because he likes it, but mostly to protect his team-mates, expecially Eddie Spaghetti, who has become his "protected" since he got into the team.
Litto comes from a Chaos Pact team called "Evil Big Guys", that used to field the Ogre, Troll and Mino combination, leaving the rookie Litto often in bench, and when he was put on the pitch, his main concern was to give assist to the monsters or protect the Dark Elf ball carrier, he would rarely throw a block and was given no chance to prove his skill no matter how hard he trained. He often had dreams where he was the Ogre, or the Minotaur on the pitch (never the Troll), the crowd screaming his name and the opposition running from him.
But since he joined the Second Liners he has become a fan favorite. His Jersey number 2 is the most sold between fans who want to prove how thug they are and is used by many gang members.
He's still dreaming to become a Big Guy, will his dream ever come true?.