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Angron's Chosen
Fulgrim had always been something of a mystery to the fans. On one hand he pulled his weight with a massive amount of blocks delivered in games yet he also seemed to be a bit aloof from the rest of the team. As the rest of the blockers were hitting the gym, he was seen leaving the gym to do some agility training. And while he did do what was required, he rarely did anything beyond that. Then came the match against the chaos dwarves of Karad's Underground, where he left one of their hobgoblins unable to continue and moved on to earn the MVP with several worthy hits. Are these signs of a coming change or will he fade back to doing what he seems to do best: doing nothing beyond what is required.
Fans guess it was just a matter of time before he returned to the form he had provided in the match against Karad's Underground as he simply tore through the skaven opposition in the match against I Rattoppati, hitting a brutal hit on their linerat Rata Fia that left him without a solar plexus and most of his lungs and then following it up with a face-saving touchdown in the very last moments of the game. Now if he could only keep up with this level of performance with a bit more consistency.
Once again it took him a while, but he was one of the few players on the team whose performance wasn't absolutely horrible when the team went against their fellow chaos players in the form of Sixteen Grand. His last minute touchdown was small consolation, but it came after a nice passing play between him and Foamtusk that allowed him to slip through the opposing lines to tidy up the scoreboard with their team's singular touchdown.
While all the attention is on Perturabo and Mortarion, Magnus the Red is the one many journalists are writing up to be the true star of the team. He delivered a beautiful performance in a recent match against Elfheim Eagles FC that saw him smash their lineman Oakwarmth out of the game and then move on to score the teams only touchdown for the match. When faced with questions about his performance in the post-match interview he gave short answers and was visibly pleased when Perturabo and Mortarion started arguing and drew the attention away.
With all the heat on Perturabo and Mortarion, Magnus has had ample time to concentrate on training. This training paid off in the match against the skaven of Lettres Qu'on Petrit, where in a single fluid hit he dislocated their linemans snout. He was rushed to the apothecary who was able to glue him back together, but everyone who knows him knows that he is not done with experimentation.
His next victim was a skink player Littel Girl of the team Outland that he left lying on the pitch as a mangled heap clutching his leg. Apparently he had switched his focus from facial reconstruction into orthopedics as he removed several of his bones and replaced them in a haphazard fashion, his curiosity sated. Team-mates are beginning to loath answering questions about his unorthodox behavior since he has the uncanny ability to appear on the scene the moment somebody is talking about him. He never says anything or even appears to be the slightest bit interested in what is being said about him, which makes his sudden appearances all the more puzzling.
With a performance against the dwarf team of Rumbelers that was only short an interception there doesn't seem to be much stopping Mortarion on the field. Then again such a performance befits such a versatile player, as exemplified by his choice of agility training immediately after the match. As long as he continues delivering hits like the one he landed on dwarf lineman Iron he will keep raising his esteem in the eyes of the fans.
Perturabo issued the challenge and Mortarion answered it immediately with a brutal hit on Elfheim Eagles FC's lineman Tall Erreden that located his skull to the middle of his abdomen. Mortarion locked eyes with Perturabo as his body was wheeled off the pitch, making it clear the intent behind such reckless punishment: to answer the challenge in terms that he would understand. Fans are already wagering on who will be the first to quarter an opponent.
While Perturabo seems to be gaining the lead in wanton destruction, Mortarion bagged his first MVP from a crucial match against the skaven team of Lettres Qu'on Petrit where he caught the jury's eye after several diving tackles both stunned their targets and left their offense in total disarray. Magnus seems to have taken note and it will be interesting to see whether this rather unorthodox tactic will pay off in the long run.
When Mortarion delivered his highlight reel hit against the dwarf team Rumbelers on poor Iron in the opening minutes of the match the fans chanted for more. Perturabo decided to answer the call when around half of the first half had been played with a hit against lineman Axe that left him without an arm, collarbone and head. Such heedless and needless brutality made it perfectly clear to everyone on the team that Perturabo had thrown the gauntlet into the ring, challenging everyone else to match him in needless brutality.
Perturabo continued his bloodletting with a brutal smash on [FTGB] Humans Proyects lineman that caused permanent damage to his back. The ball is back in Mortarion's court to answer.
With no answer forthcoming Perturabo continues to smash his way through the enemy lines, this time against the skaven team of Lettres Qu'on Petrit, where he slaughtered one of their players in the opening seconds of the match. He jumped the opponent just as the match started and with one hand on his neck and one hand on his tail ripped him apart from the middle. The legality of the hit was questioned by their head coach, but the referee ruled it legal and fans have dubbed the inventive maneuver a perturabo. With advanced training in blocking there seems to be no stopping him.
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Hoofsplitter got his name in the season opener against BGF Khemri when one of their players literally split his hoof in half with a great hit. This impediment doesn't seem to faze him in the slightest, as he came roaring back to the pitch with a good all-round performance against the elf team of Elfheim Eagles FC that earned him the MVP honors for the match.
Hoofsplitter continued with a beauty of a performance against the chaos dwarf team of Fiendish Blackguards where he completed a pass, threw a highlight reel block and went on to score the Chosen's only touchdown. With a performance like that there seems to be no stopping Hoofsplitter, no matter the grievous injury he suffered that literally and ironically split his hoof in twain.
When the next match against I Rattoppati commenced, hopes were high that Hoofsplitter's recent blocking training would be useful. As the match went on the hopes started sagging as he could never capitalize on the myriad of chances that he was given, until the very end of the match where he wasn't satisfied with just knocking his opponent, Rattigan, out and jumped on him, smashing him so bad he couldn't continue playing. This, combined with his beauty of a pass that made the scoring of that single goal possible capped off a performance that started soft but ended up strong.
Hoofsplitter laid low for the next match but returned with a vengeance in the match against the lizardmen of Outland that left their star catcher Grey Elf with no possible way of continuing on in the match after a brutal hit that he followed up by smashing the poor skink under his weight.
His performance wasn't exceptional with him lying in the team dugout knocked out for most of the match, but his hit on Sixteen Grand's rookie chaos warrior Saw was a beauty worthy of the highlight reel. It was a sensational blow, especially considering the size of his enemy.
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
With two MVPs and a single touchdown on his belt things are certainly looking up for Foamtusk. He has become a trusted part of the team and many of the other beastmen are looking up to him, no matter the foam gathering at his mouth.
With a two match scoring streak and yet another MVP from the match against Liverpool Fanatics, Foamtusk is turning out to be one of the rising stars of the team. Fans, however, hope that the other beastmen take their lead from Bloodmane rather than him, for all the bloodshed he causes is much more entertaining.
While his scoring streak was broken by the dismal showing the team had against Karad Underground, he came back with a vengeance, scoring twice against the human team of Altdorf Hammers and showing why when the team needs someone to score, he will always be there to deliver with a beauty of a play where he sacked their quarterback and then scooped up the ball on the endzone to score.
With Hoofsplitter surprisingly delivering in the scoring department, Foamtusk was left to handle the rest of the play with a beauty of a hit on Fiendish Blackguard hobgoblin Vlarp that left him without a jaw and two beautiful passes that delivered the ball first to Foamtusk so he could score and then in a desperation play kept the game going and the enemy from scoring after a daring play at the Chosen endzone. This last feat sealed the deal and earned him his fourth MVP nomination in nine games.
Foamtusk continues to live a charmed life, avoiding any career-threatening injuries no matter the situation on the pitch, even against such a notoriously deadly team as the Sixteen Grand. He was a great performer at several points in the match but it was his pass to Fulgrim that sent him on his way to score the touchdown that made all the difference in the match. This coupled with his highlight reel worthy block on their journeyman beastman Paul Goldstone made sure that he was once again an entertaining presence on the pitch.
When Gorehorn jumped up out of the pile to intercept the ball in the penultimate moments of the game against the orc team of Liverpool Fanatics he surprised everyone besides himself. And only he knows whether there are more of those plays where that came from or not.
Ripfang reached the statistic books in his third game, with a beauty of a hit on Elfheim Eagles FC's lineman Kerredith Morr that left his arm hanging limp from his side and made him unable to continue in this match. Post-match doctors confirmed the damage and he will miss at least one match to recover from such a grievous injury.
After a long drought, Ripfang returned to the fore with a beautiful hit on I Rattoppati's lineman Zachary Clearwing in the closing moments of the first half that left him unable to continue.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Block (30k)
It was in his second match for the team that Biggoretusk managed to get a handle on just how hard you are allowed to hit people in Blood Bowl. In the previous match he knocked out several opposing players but left all of them able to continue in the match much to the team's and fans chagrin. In the match against the skaven he finally delivered a play that people had been expecting from him as he gored one of their lineman in such fashion that he was unable to continue in the match.
Biggoretusk continued on his path of destruction in the match against Karad's Underground with a great hit on chaos dwarf blocker Goimgar around the midpoint of the first half. Goimgar made the mistake of going for Biggie's arms when defending against the block and was thoroughly headbutted by him, leaving him with a badly fractured skull and an uncertain future in the team.
Biggie finally moved out of the rookie ranks in his 6th match for the team against I Rattoppati where he delivered such a crushing hit on their linerat Topo Oronzo's head that the force moved through his body and crushed his ankle. This, coupled with his recent blocking training, surely bodes well for his future in the team and for his performance on the pitch.
When the teams set up along the line of scrimmage against the lizardmen team of Outland it was immediately clear that there was no love lost between their kroxigor blocker and Biggie. They snarled threats at each other for the whole match until finally in the closing moments of the game Biggie decided to leave his mark on his opponent and headbutted him with such force that he was stunned and then followed it up by raising him up and slamming him down on the ground head first, breaking his neck and necessitating a long recovery period.
With Chosen's next match against the notoriously deadly team of Sixteen Grand fans were expecting a bloodbath and they weren't disappointed. Among the myriad of blows dealt in the match the Chosen were quickly on the receiving end with several bad blows dealt to them topped by losing Thrashhoof to Kingston Crab, their emerging star beastmen. Most of the damage was done by their superstar beastman Tigerlily however, but unfortunately for him that meant that he eventually drew the attention of Biggie, who delivered such a crushing blow on his head that he was forced to leave the field completely. This hit made Biggie's highlight reel block streak five games long and takes him to a tie with Hoofsplitter, who has several more games under his belt.