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Arwen is from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth universe. She was the daughter of Elrond Half-elven.
Elladan is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, a son of Elrond Half-elven and Celebrían and an older brother of Arwen.
Elrohir is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, a son of Elrond Half-elven and Celebrían and an older brother of Arwen.
Tanis is a fictional character in Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance novels.
Tanis Half-Elven (elven name Tanthalas Quisif-Nan Pah) is considered as the leader of a group of heroes that prevented the evil goddess, Takhisis, from returning to Ansalon during the War of the Lance.
Porthios is a fictional character in Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance novels.
Porthios Kanan was a Qualinesti Elf born the first son of Solostaran Kanan and an unknown mother. He had one brother named Gilthanas Kanan and a sister named Lauralanthalasa Kanan. Porthios was known to have been unusually tall with fair skin, blonde hair, well-built, square, handsome, regular features, and a haughty, severe expression. Following the Chaos War though, he was forever scarred from head to toe, making him look almost like a red skinned Goblin. Porthios was also known to have been proud and arrogant to not only other non-elves, but to elves as well. Porthios wrote and fought right-handed.
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Legolas is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. Legolas was the son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood who appears as "the Elvenking" in The Hobbit. Although he lived among the Silvan Elves, Legolas was not one himself. His father Thranduil had originally come from Lindon; he and his son were actually Sindar, or "Grey Elves", called in the singular Sinda; "Sindarin" was their language. A small minority of Sindar (headed by Thranduil by the time of The Hobbit) ruled the predominantly Silvan Woodland Realm. Thranduil himself was the son of Oropher. Legolas' mother is never mentioned; the Elves of Mirkwood have no Queen at the time of The Hobbit. It is also unknown whether or not he had any siblings.
In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Glorfindel is a name used twice for an Elf appearing in the tales of Middle-earth. He is introduced in various material relating to the First Age of Middle-earth, including The Silmarillion. The second instance is for a character of The Lord of the Rings, which takes place in Middle-earth's Third Age. In later writings, Tolkien states they were one and the same, though this is not evident from The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings.
Haldir is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.
Haldir was an Elf of Lothlórien, probably a Silvan Elf: a marchwarden who guarded the forest's northern borders. When the Fellowship of the Ring arrived in Lórien, he became their guide to Caras Galadhon. He and his companions are described as wearing grey hooded cloaks and live on platforms in the trees.
Gildor Inglorion is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, appearing in The Fellowship of the Ring. He was a Noldorin Elf of the House of Finrod. In The Lord of the Rings he met Frodo Baggins and his friends in the Shire. The appearance of his band (along with the chants to Elbereth) warded off the Black Rider searching for the Hobbits.