20 coaches online • Server time: 08:44
Blacksun Boneyarders
Raised from the burial clearing in the
Blackthorn-Dodgers' neck of the woods, this hulking monstrosity used to be a tree!
Reconstructed from bones past, this player hails from the
[L]eague of Petrified Flesh's bonepits! A daring raid took place and it was all about a name.
Also raised from the burial clearing in the
Blackthorn-Dodgers' neck of the woods, this ex-wardancer maintains his viciousness on the field.
Roadtripper at heart, we hope this bombadier can use his experience to make his punches that bit more explosive!
Just some old
Scrum Fodder in this position, lets hope dying didn't affect his ability to catch!
One of the infamously dead, eagle brothers. Murdered By Tungsten of
Elements of Denial in the final turn of his first game, he has been plucked from the graveyard of his old team
Spencley's Spectres', to play alongside his brother, Brian Hideouseagle, for the Blacksun Boneyarders in BAFFL2!
An experienced ex-chaos warrior from
Retrostylus' Miners; Steve's hopes and dreams have been rekindled with another chance to play, this time for the Blacksun Boneyarders!
One of the infamously dead, eagle brothers. Murdered by the late Idhremen of
Black-Thorn Dodgers at the three-quarter mark of his first game, he has been plucked from the burial clearing of his old team
Blacksun Beginners, to play alongside his brother, Robert Clumsyeagle, for the Blacksun Boneyarders in BAFFL2!
Just doug from the cemetary of the
Blacksun Bloodless' desecrated church, this player is considered experienced among his fellows in the Blacksun Boneyarders making it to his ninth game before biting the bullet, well fireball, of the
Spasian Marines wizard!