13 coaches online • Server time: 08:13
Sure Hands
Big Hand
Hail Mary Pass
Strong Arm
Stand aside Montana/Rice--the End of the Rainbow/Faster than Light td connection is loud and strong!
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Break Tackle
After a cas each in his first couple games, it looked like good things ahead for this biggest rat on the squad. However, it's been a long time since he's done much else, and it's not uncommon to see him roaring in rage for an entire game! The new wild animal rules are now in effect, though, and this past game he came to play with timely blitzes helping to spring his GR companions for a 3-2 victory. Maybe his fortunes will start to improve before the team gets too high a TR and his chances at living without skills decline...
Well, in lucky game 13 this big guy managed to get 2 cas and his first skill. May he not wait 13 more games to get his next!
He's speeding up, only took six more games (19 total) to get to his second skill. Still no mutations on the team, but here's hoping in another few games this big guy will be the first!
Side Step
Sure Feet
He's just trying to live up to his name. After a game in which he scored 5 td's, including a 1-turner after a fortunate blitz, he got his +MA, increasing his already frightening speed. The game he got his first ever casualty (a RIP) he learned how to sprint that extra yard to paydirt. The first game of the team above 200 TR, FTL had to take matters into his own paws to win the game, learning how to leap along the way. Everybody'd better hope he never retires and becomes the speed coach!
As one of the two oldest and most experienced players on the Unbelievable! squad, FTL is starting to think to what happens after his active playing days. Don't get him wrong--he still plans to play as long as his legs will carry him to the endzone. But he knows that eventually age catches up to even the best of them. So now he's thinking of where he'll go next--head coach of the new skaven team, conveniently enough named "FTL". (Hey, he's the coach, he gets to pick the name after all.) He's become a hero to his sister's kids and their neighborhood pals, who all want to try their hand at becoming the fastest rodents on two legs, just like "Uncle FTL". He coaches their little-league team, but sees some real promise in the big leagues. Maybe someday he'll devote his attention to turning these 4 GR's, 2 SV's, RO, T and 3 L into a professional big-league roster...
Water may not have too many cas under his belt, but every one has been an apo-failed rip! Watch out for this rat if he ever gets claw, mb or rsc...
He leads the team in casualties, yet incredibly most of them have come from opponents throwing themselves onto him, rather than the other way around. If it weren't for his kicking skills, I'd stick him on the line to let people throw themselves at him several times a game--who knows what kind of cas rate he'd have then?!?
Aged on his second skill. :-( But as aging goes, -av isn't so bad...
It took 25 games before my team gets its first mutation, and even though claw/rsc might be more useful, for a simple linerat on his first skill I gave him foul appearance. Maybe he'll prove useful more by accident of his placement on the pitch than by anything he could've done on his own...