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Ghostly Storm
Isul was the first player recuited by Watson. His ability to throw an empty beer bottle through a crowded pub directly into the eye of Dwarf screaming taunts in the midst of a brawl would catch anyones attention.
Isul is a gifted thrower but doesnt go glory hunting. If he says the chance to hand the ball off he will take it. Preferring to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible to limit the chance of a turnover (thats his reason but many opposing players reckon it is because he is soft) Isul is often looking for a quick score.
Not afraid to mix it with the big boys Isul has often been proteced by his brother Elareilas. However as Elareilas become popular with the crowds Isul's protection left him so did Isul's bravery. If he doesnt have the ball he can be found loitering around his denfensive end zone waiting for the ball to be returned.
Side Step
Strip Ball
Elareilas was given the oppurtunity to play after his brother Isul bought coach Watson to the club where he was emplyed as a bouncer. Impressed by his ability to dodge and slide through a melee to get to his desired target Watson immediatly saw the possibility of a slippery runner and penatrating blitzer.
His first game Elareilas spent most of his time defending his brother in the Blizard that was the Storms first organised game. However after his brother shot to stardom with a massive 10 spp Elareias wanted some of the fame for himself.
Not one to go after casualties Elaeilas started getting open for brother Isul to lob him the ball than dodge his way to the endzone. In the resulting 5 games Elaelas has scored a nice 6 TD's and disrupted many attempted cages and drawn out run.
The Storm fans love the Belan brothers and as long as they stay fit and healthy this team could perfrom alright outside of the qualfying tourney...or that is what Elaeilas believes anyway.
Anithrarion is the only player on this team not to be recruited from the Crush.
Anithrarion was given the chance by team owner Legarnd which is ,surprisingly, Anithrarion's uncle as well. Anithrarion has only managed one decent game and that was against the Donught boys where he somehow got 2 Casualties and both where caused by a slightly less adept block thrown on the side of the Halflings.
Anithrarion prefers to hide from the ball rather than search it out and it commonly seen loitering around the dugout asking for his brush to tend to his hair. Although one day this cowardly play will eventually catch up with him (probably in the form of an Orc Blocker who just hates those "prancin gits") as long as Uncle Isareal remains team owner expect Anithrarion to keep being fielded.
Side Step
Pass Block
Thryr is probably the best all round player on the Storms roster.
Joining the team after the crush of 23rd of April (only player to make it passed the door without spilling a drop of beer really impressed Watson) Thryr started slowly just managing one complete pass in his first game. His next game was a little different. Up against the more fancied Donught Boys Thryr busted loose scoring a hat trick of TD's and 2 Casualties on his way to 13 spp. A new star was born.
Preferring to hide behind the lights of the Belan brothers Thryr goes about business in a professional manner making the passes when needed, getting in the road of rampaging Dwarfs if called to, dropping back to defend the pass if required.
With 2 passes, 4 TD's, 2 casualties in 5 games Thryr could become a long term player for this team....providing he stays on his feat.