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Pox Ascendance
+MA (30k)
Frenzy (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Piling On (20k)
First Wave Ascension
"I hunger. I want eat man-things."
As Rend became aware he was filled with uncontrolable rage. His only memory was the despised man-things killing his family and now he wants revenge. He has one goal and that is to inflict as much pain as possible on anyone standing in his way. Deaden made Rend his first disciple after seeing the young Blitzer attack and destroy a small group of the man-things.
Using his rage to fuel him Rend learns Mighty Blow.
To help inflict more pain on the man-things Rend learns Piling On.
Due to his uncontrollable anger Rend learns Frenzy.
The Gods bless Rend and increase his speed with +MA.
First Wave Ascension
"Rat friends need Chomp help. Man-things no good."
Chomp became aware while helping his family escape from the man-things when he turned and fought alone to give his weaker siblings time to hide. This act has helped shape him and he sees himself as a protector of his race. Chomp became Deaden's second disciple when he saved him from the man-things who had him cornered and were baying for blood.
To help protect his family Chomp learns Guard.
Weeping Dagger
Block (20k)
Horns (30k)
Third Wave Ascension
"I am death."
Blaze's awareness has only come recently but she has already risen further than most of the team. Cerebral and calculating. Blaze has a cunning and intelligence previously unknown. Blaze has shown more awareness than even Deaden and he was quick to capitalise on this to the advantage of the family. On the rare occasions that Deaden needs to deal with man-things Blaze is always on hand to smooth over the proceedings as much as possible.
Through constant training Blaze learns Block.
After being stabbed Blaze gets -1 Av.
The Gods bless Blaze and mutate her with Horns.
Weeping Dagger
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Third Wave Ascension
"Leave me be. I seek"
Hex has been biding her time, she came to awareness at the same time as Deaden but wanted to be left in seclusion to work through her demons. This can only go on for so long though and Deaden has called on her other worldly powers and forced her into the team. Fast, dangerous and completely unpredictable, Hex is a law unto herself. Deaden has found the trigger to control her though, her young litter....
The spirits guide Hex and she learns Block.
The Gods bless Hex and increase her speed with +MA.
Weeping Dagger
Strip Ball (20k)
Two Heads (30k)
Wrestle (20k)
First Wave Ascension
"Gnaw like run. Gnaw happy run. Gnaw laugh at slow man-things."
Gnaw likes to run and this caused awareness come upon her one day while running through the streets of Pox. Very rarely seen standing still Gnaw is difficult to pin down. Gnaw is also a highly accomplished thief and Deaden has used her on numerous excursions into the man-things domain to acquire items needed.
To show how good she is at getting the ball Gnaw learns Wrestle.
The Gods bless Gnaw and mutate her with Two Heads.
Gnaw's stealing skills improve as she learns Strip Ball.
After being hit by a bomb Gnaw smashes her hip getting -1 Ma.
First Wave Ascension
"Sunder brave. Sunder no scare of man-things."
Sunder became aware while fighting for his life against a minotaur. Rather than flee Sunder went on an all out attack and ripped the eyes from his opponent. Since then he has always gone for the biggest foes without any fear for his own safety. Deaden is rumored to be very interested in Sunder and is likely to be the next disciple chosen.
To show his bravery Sunder learns Dauntless.
Shadowing (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
First Wave Ascension
No-one truly knows if Cleave is aware or not as he has never uttered a word. He follows orders without hesitation and without question but does not seem to enjoy or like the company of his race. Cleave spends his time skulking in the shadows and is often forgotten but when needed is always ready to give his all.
To help control his foes Cleave learns Wrestle.
The Shadows work their magic and Cleave learns Shadowing
First Wave Ascension
"Why man-things hurt rat friends?"
Weep is a friendly rat and wants nothing more than for everyone to get along. He became aware after one of the man-things helped him when he was trapped. Rather than putting the young rat down as most people would have the man-thing nursed him back to health and fed him. This had led to massive confusion in Weep's life as he wants to help elevate his people but not at the expense of the man-things that already inhabit Pox.
To show how useful he is Weep learns Kick.
To make sure he doesn't hurt the man-things Weep learns Wrestle.
Fourth Wave Ascension
"It burns, it burns....."
Digger had awareness thrust upon him when he fell into some toxic sewerage. Over night he grew and mutated. Deaden stumbled across him one day and was so intrigued that he had his disciples cut him open to see what else had changed. The simple answer was everything and no-one knows how this will affect Diggers evolution.