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<big><b>天道 早雲</b></big>
<b>Soun</b> is the father of <b>Kasumi</b>, <b>Nabiki</b>, and <b>Akane</b>. He has raised them alone since the death of his wife many years ago.
<b<Soun</b> is somewhat over-emotional and cries often. He cares about the future of his children, and wishes the best for them, which consequently leads to him getting involved when his daughters wish he wouldn't. A good example of this would be he and <b>Genma</b> deciding to engage <b>Ranma</b> and <b>Akane</b> whether they liked it or not.
<b>Soun</b> is a very talented martial artist, but shows many of the same characteristics as <b>Genma</b>- laziness and especially cowardice. He was trained by <b>Happosai</b> alongside <b>Genma</b>, and the two have been close friends ever since. <b>Soun</b> has a deep respect for his future son-in-law, and knows he will make an excellent husband for his daughter. <b>Soun</b>'s primary goal seems to be getting his daughters married off so he can finally retire and have them take care of him.
<big><b>?? ???</b></big>
<b>Kasumi Tendo</b>, 19, is the eldest daughter of the Tendo family. She is kind and almost constantly cheery. After the premature death of her mother, <b>Kasumi</b> assumed her place and took care of the cooking, cleaning and everyday household chores.
<b>Kasumi</b> never complains about the amount of work that she has to do, or the fact that other than cooking and cleaning, she has time for very little else. When she does have free time, she likes to go borrow a book from her dear friend, <b>Dr. Tofu</b>. Unknown to her, <b>Dr. Tofu</b> has a serious crush on her.
<b>Kasumi</b> is always very calm and often takes care of the bumps and bruises <b>Akane</b> and <b>Ranma</b> suffer. She is very kind and nurturing, but as <b>Soun</b> has said, she is often taken for granted by the family that she so lovingly cares for. She seems to be a source of inspiration for <b>Akane</b>, who envies <b>Kasumi</b>'s feminine nature and cooking skills.
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
<b>Dr. Tofu Ono</b> is the local chiropractor and often helps <b>Akane</b> and <b>Ranma</b> when they have bumps, bruises or dislocated joints from their many fights. He is very knowledgeable about martial arts techniques although he is never seen practicing. He helps <b>Ranma</b> discover a cure for <b>Happosai</b>'s "moxibustion", and <b>Cologne</b>'s "full body cat's tongue" techniques.
<b>Dr. Tofu</b> is also deeply in love with <b>Kasumi Tendo</b>. In fact, whenever he is in her presence, his glasses fog over and he becomes nervous. He has injured quite a few of his patients when this happens.
<b>Dr. Tofu</b> is well liked in the community and has many older clients. For a time he employed both <b>Genma Saotome</b> and <b>Shampoo</b> as assistants. He is often seen in the company of his skeleton, <i>Betty</i>, which he carries and moves as if it were a real person.
At one time <b>Akane</b> had a crush on <b>Dr. Tofu</b> and he would often give her advice and support.
<big><b>?? ???</b></big>
<b>Nabiki</b> is the middle of the three Tendo sisters, and a senior at Furinkan High School. She has done several things to obtain money, such as selling clandestinely-taken photos of <b>Ranma</b> and <b>Akane</b>, making book on <b>Ranma</b>'s fights, and blackmail.
She also was willing to let someone fall to his death rather than lose a bet—quite literally, although the man did survive a very long drop from a helicopter. She also has a small group of flunkies who will assist her when the need arises.
Despite the fact that she comes from a martial arts school, <b>Nabiki</b> is not a combatant. Although she always keeps her wits about her, she is unable to fight. The only fighting skill she has shown is the ability to use a variation of her father's Yokai head technique when she is very upset with him; examples of this are: when <b>Soun</b> lost the Dojo in a bet and when she discovered her father had sold her into a marriage to the Chardin family.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
<big><b>九能 校長</b></big>
<b>Principal Kuno</b> is the long-lost father of <b>Tatewaki</b> and <b>Kodachi Kuno</b>. After disappearing three years ago, he resurfaced at Furinkan to resume his duties as principal.
While he was away he spent his years in Hawaii where he picked up a tan and an odd "Island accent". He often mixes in English words with his Japanese. He loves all things tropical.
<b>Principal Kuno</b> also has an odd love of cutting hair. He insists that everyone at Furinkan High should have the same kind of haircuts and has a serious problem with <b>Ranma</b> having a pigtail.
There is little love lost between <b>Principal Kuno</b> and his children. <b>Tatewaki</b> finds him irritating and has horrible memories of having his head shaved as a child that have left a long lasting emotional scar.
Weeping Dagger
Block (20k)
Side Step (20k)
<big><b>??? ??</b></big>
<b>Ukyo Kuonji</b> is one of <b>Ranma</b>'s oldest friends, and was his second engagement after <b>Akane</b>. <b>Genma</b> and <b>Ukyo</b>'s father made a deal that in exchange for the Kuonji family Okonomiyaki cart, <b>Ukyo</b> would become <b>Ranma</b>'s fiancee. When <b>Genma</b> offered <b>Ranma</b>, then just a small child, which he would rather have, okonomiyaki or <b>Ukyo</b>, <b>Ranma</b> responded "okonomiyaki". This prompted <b>Genma</b> to take the cart and leave <b>Ukyo</b> all alone.
Years later, <b>Ukyo</b> found <b>Ranma</b> and tried to take her revenge. Because she was so embarrassed by <b>Ranma</b>'s rejection, she had begun dressing as a boy so that she would never have to deal with the opposite sex again. After a quick match <b>Ranma</b> discovered that his childhood friend, whom he lovingly called Ucchan, was really quite a cute girl. He was very kind to her to make up for his father's desertion years earlier, and <b>Ukyo</b> quickly fell in love with <b>Ranma</b> all over again.
Now <b>Ukyo</b> lives in Tokyo alone and runs Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, a popular neighborhood restaurant among the students of Furinkan High.
Claw (30k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
<big><b>早乙女 乱馬</b></big>
<b>Ranma Saotome</b>, the only son of <b>Genma</b> and <b>Nodoka Saotome</b> has led a fairly difficult life. At a young age, he was taken by <b>Genma</b> on various training journeys. On one of the most recent ones, <b>Genma</b> decided to take <b>Ranma</b> to China to train in Jusenkyo, an area of cursed springs (which <b>Genma</b> did not know). <b>Ranma</b> was knocked in to the "Spring of Drowned Girl," and now transforms into a female version of himself when splashed with cold water.
<b>Ranma</b> is 16 years old, and lives with the Tendo family and his father at the Tendo Dojo. <b>Genma</b> and <b>Soun Tendo</b> arranged for their children to be wed, and so <b>Ranma</b> and <b>Akane</b> were engaged (<b>Nabiki</b> and <b>Kasumi</b> said that they didn't want to marry <b>Ranma</b>, so <b>Akane</b> was chosen by default). <b>Ranma</b> and <b>Akane</b> rarely get along, which seems to stem from the fact that <b>Ranma</b> is quite the ladies man. In fact, he is also engaged to <b>Shampoo</b> and <b>Ukyo Kuonji</b>. While not engaged, <b>Kodachi Kuno</b> also hopes to marry <b>Ranma</b> one day.
<b>Ranma</b> is also an excellent martial artist. He is able to learn techniques very quickly and has mastered many different styles. He is very competitve and rarely loses a fight (on the rare occasion that he is bested he always gets revenge later on). <b>Ranma</b> also has a (somewhat) sensitive side, and he actually does have strong feelings for <b>Akane</b> even though he would never admit it. <b>Ranma</b>'s only weakness is an intense fear of cats, due to the harsh training he recieved in Cat-fu as a child.
<big><b>響 良牙</b></big>
<b>Ryoga Hibiki</b>'s first encounter with <b>Ranma</b> was what began their long-standing rivalry. When <b>Ranma</b> was able to constantly snatch the last piece of bread at their old junior high school, <b>Ryoga</b> would never forgive him for making him go hungry.
After <b>Ryoga</b> was late to his final showdown with <b>Ranma</b>, due to his horrible sense of direction, he followed <b>Ranma</b> to Jusenkyo, and was accidently knocked into the "Spring of Drowned Black Piglet" (by <b>Ranma</b> as <b>Ryoga</b> later discovered). Once <b>Akane</b> found him in this form, she adopted him and gave him the name <b>P-chan</b> (meaning Pig Cute). <b>Akane</b>'s affection for <b>P-chan</b> is what began <b>Ryoga</b>'s undying love for <b>Akane</b>. <b>Ryoga</b> tries many times to tell <b>Akane</b> of his feeligns for her, but he never seems to muster the courage. Ultimately he meets <b>Akari Unryu</b> who actually knows of his secret curse and loves him all the more for it. One of <b>Ryoga</b>'s most difficult decisions in life is who he loves more <b>Akane</b> or <b>Akari</b>.
<b>Ryoga</b> is <b>Ranma</b>'s biggest rival, and no matter how many times he has lost to <b>Ranma</b>, they have all been very close battles. <b>Ryoga</b> is almost <b>Ranma</b>'s equal and is constantly improving his abilities to stay at the same level as <b>Ranma</b> and hopefully gain enough courage to tell <b>Akane</b> how he really feels about her.
Even though they fight often, <b>Ryoga</b> and <b>Ranma</b> have a mutual respect for one another's abilities.
Weeping Dagger
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Tackle (20k)
<big><b>?? ???</b></big>
<b>Akane Tendo</b>, 16, is the youngest daughter of <b>Soun Tendo</b>. She is one of <b>Ranma Saotome</b>'s numerous fiancees, and the only one that would rather not be. <b>Akane</b> is the only of <b>Soun</b>'s daughters that practices martial arts, and is very capable in her own right.
Before <b>Ranma</b> came into her life, her principal suitor was <b>Tatewaki Kuno</b> (and almost every other boy at Furinkan High School). Though she is quite popular and attractive, she has a reputation of being a tomboy and has always said that she has no interest in dating. Since <b>Ranma</b> became her fiance, many of the boys at her school seem to have accepted the fact that they cannot compete with him, and have lost interest. All with the exception of <b>Tatewaki Kuno</b>. Before <b>Ranma</b>, <b>Akane</b> had a crush on <b>Dr. Tofu</b>.
<b>Akane</b> has a very violent temper and often has injured <b>Ranma</b>, but on the otherhand, <b>Ranma</b> seems to bring it on himself quite often. <b>Akane</b> is very nice to others unless provoked. She loves her pet pig, <b>P-chan</b> (which she has no idea is really <b>Ryoga</b>) that she found in her room one night, and often allows him to sleep in her bed, which irrates <b>Ranma</b>.
One of <b>Akane</b>'s major weaknesses is that she cannot swim, which has caused her quite a few problems. <b>Akane</b> is also a terrible cook.
Weeping Dagger
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Leap (20k)
<b>Shampoo</b> is a 16 year old, Chinese Amazon from the village of Joketsuzoku near Jusenkyo. <b>Shampoo</b> first met <b>Ranma</b> when he (at the time a girl) and Genma ate a large feast which was intended for <b>Shampoo</b>. <b>Ranma</b> then quickly beat <b>Shampoo</b> in order to win the first prize meal. At this point <b>Shampoo</b> was very angry about her loss and gave <b>Ranma</b> the "Kiss of Death," a promise to track him to the ends of the Earth until she could kill him.
When she finally found <b>Ranma</b> he was living in the Tendo Dojo. Not realizing that male and female <b>Ranma</b> were actually the same person, she fell in love with <b>Ranma</b>'s male side. After he was able to defeat her, she gave him the "Kiss of Death," which when given to a member of the opposite sex, means that they are now engaged. Althought <b>Shampoo</b> only has eyes for <b>Ranma</b>, she is constantly pursued by her childhood friend, <b>Mousse</b>, who refuses to give up on her. No matter how many times she rejects him <b>Mousse</b> is always following her like a lost dog.
Another unique aspect of <b>Shampoo</b> is the way she speaks. Because she lived in China most of her life, her Japanese is very poor. In fact, during <b>Shampoo</b>'s first few appearances she spoke only in Chinese. By her next visit, she had also fallen into Jusenkyo and was now cursed by changing into a cat when splashed with cold water.
<b>Mousse</b> is the vision-impaired suitor of <b>Shampoo</b>. Even though <b>Shampoo</b> has shown no interest in him almost their entire lives, <b>Mousse</b> continues to fight for the attention of the woman he loves. He blames <b>Ranma</b> for <b>Shampoo</b>'s dislike of him, and is constantly at odds with <b>Ranma</b>.
<b>Mousse</b> is able to combine aspects of slight-of-hand magic techniques with his martial arts, allowing him to pull many weapons out of his oversized sleeves.
After <b>Mousse</b>'s first loss to <b>Ranma</b>, he took a training voyage to Jusenkyo, where he accidently walked into the "Spring of Drowned Duck". <b>Mousse</b> also blames <b>Ranma</b> for his curse, since he believes that if he hadn't lost he wouldn't have needed the extra training to beat <b>Ranma</b>. <b>Mousse</b> forumulates plan after plan to try and break <b>Ranma</b>'s hold over the woman he loves, but nothing seems to work.
The very definition of a dirty old man, Happosai is the grandmaster and founder of the Anything Goes Martial Arts school. Genma and Soun were his original disciples, but they got fed up having to steal lingerie for the old letch and decided to try and finish him off. They were quite surprised when he showed up many years later to make them miserable and find a successor in the Art. Unfortunately for Ranma, he was the incorrigible old freak's choice. He is a strong martial artist with but one weakness: bras and panties. Happosai is so obscenely addicted to his perversion that he suffers from withdrawal if he goes without them for an extended period. It seems as though he always shows up at the most inconvenient moments.
Weeping Dagger
Dauntless (20k)
<big><b>?? ???</b></big>
The 16-year old sister of <b>Tatewaki Kuno</b>, <b>Kodachi</b> attends an all-girls school. She falls in love with <b>Ranma</b> after he saved her from falling from the Tendo dojo roof, after a failed attack to cripple <b>Akane</b> before the Rhythmic Gymnastics competition between Furinkan and St. Hebereke.
<b>Kodachi</b> is perhaps the least-understood character. She'll willingly cheat and lie to get her way, which is to marry <b>Ranma</b>. She knows <b>Ranma</b> doesn't love her, but believes she can convince him to marry her. Some say her philosophy is "all is fair in love and war," but I think it's really: "If you want something, go get it. It's not going to come to you, after all."
As the most lively character in the series, she sure does scare a lot of people, some to the point of thinking her insane. And I have to point out that <b>Kodachi</b> is no more insane than any of the other characters; she's just obsessive in her own way. Like her brother, she is blinded by her love for <b>Ranma</b>.
Her plans are far-reaching and well-planned; in one case <b>Kodachi</b> tried to get revenge against her brother for destroying a poster of <b>Ranma</b> by distributing doctored photos of female <b>Ranma</b> around Furinkan. The photos, by the way, were very suggestive, much to <b>Ranma</b>'s dismay, and much to <b>Kuno</b>'s delight. How was this getting revenge, you ask? All of <b>Kuno</b>'s time was spent chasing after the photos that <b>Kodachi</b> managed to steal his photo album of the pig-tailed girl. :)
She keeps strange pets at her home, particularly Midorigame, her pet alligator. (btw, the name literally translates as "Green Turtle" :)
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
<big><b>早乙女 玄馬</b></big>
<b>Genma Saotome</b> is very much like his son, <b>Ranma</b>. He is somewhat arrogant when it comes to his martial arts abilities, which he rarely showcases due to cowardice or laziness. It was <b>Genma</b> that took <b>Ranma</b> to Jusenkyo. Because he was unable to read the pamphlet, which was in Chinese, he had no idea of the curses that existed there.
When splashed with cold water <b>Genma</b> transforms into a panda. When in this form, he uses signs with written messages on them to communicate. Although he often tries to rid himself of his curse, he doesn't seem to mind it as much as Jusenkyo's other victims.
Most of <b>Genma</b>'s time is spent sitting around the Tendo home playing Go with his best friend <b>Soun</b>. But despite this, <b>Genma</b> is a talented martial artist and once taught Ryu Kumon's father half of a technique that was powerful enough to kill him. <b>Genma</b> often engaged <b>Ranma</b> to other girls in exchange for food. Like <b>Soun, Genma</b> was trained by <b>Happosai</b> and is also very terrified by his former teacher.
<b<Genma</b> is also married to a wonderful woman named <b>Nodoka. Genma</b> being the insensitive man that he is took <b>Ranma</b> away from his mother at a young age to begin their training, and <b>Nodoka</b> has not seen her son for close to ten years. <b>Genma</b> promised to raise his son to be a man among men, but with <b>Ranma</b>'s curse <b>Genma</b> is worried that his wife will force them to commit suicide as per their agreement should <b>Ranma</b> not become a manly man. <b>Genma</b> is also responsible for <b>Ranma</b>'s engagement to <b>Ukyo Kuonji</b>, but after recieving the dowry, he grabbed <b>Ranma</b> and left <b>Ukyo</b>.