Ribbingelunds Räliga Råttor
Kurt Kutares son, taking Kurts place in the team after a horrible "Ball´n chain"- incident in the 145 Rookie League XXIX.
Got his ankle smashed in his first game by Xykon the skeleton.
Weeping Dagger
+AG (40k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Killed -Bill "not a zombie" Murray in his first game.
Got his left eye gouged in his sixth game in the "145 Rookie/Open League: Season XXIX".
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Block (30k)
Guard (20k)
Henry, probably feared more by the players on his side of the pitch rather than the players on the opposite side.
Why is this you ask?
It´s simple: his teammates knows what he is capable of.
They have seen it. They can't unsee it.
"-The blood or the intestines? Could it be the ordinary "Blood- Bowl- gore" he is so good at?" You think.
No... it´s the look in his eyes when he calmly and systematic dissemble the unlucky players that cross his path on the pitch.
Not a single twitch in his eyes.
Never a second thought.
No mercy.
Killed "Lunatic Atari"
After five games in the "145 Rookie League XXIX" Torsten have developed into an excellent kicker. He is THE kicker of the team.
Killed Post Nap Haze.
(But the apo saved his life and he ended up with a serious concussion (-1 AV).)
+AG (40k)
Tackle (20k)
Weeping Dagger
Wrestle (20k)
+AG (40k)
Frenzy (20k)
Sure Hands
Strong Arm (30k)