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Premiership War Gods
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Sponsored by Coach Cavetroll
Cavetroll McGruff, his (few) friends call him Grumpy, is a man with a 50 lb chip on his shoulder and a persecution complex the size of Albion. Hailing from the mists of the shrouded isle, he has come to the Empire to prove a few things: 1) that humans are not a sub-par team and can compete with anyone; 2) that humans can win with a throwing game; and 3) that he can be the greatest thrower the game has ever seen. Grumpy is dour, curses a lot when things fall apart, and as abrasive a teammate as there ever was. But he is also very focused on winning and will always look for an opportunity to throw the ball and help his teammates score. Grumpy will never hand-off unless the team is trying to score as part of a combo pass/hand-off play and the middle player would have to risk a gfi to make a hand-off. Grumpy's motto is 'When in doubt, just chuck it'. Actually, we're paraphrasing since we can't actually say the first part of his motto. But it rhymes with 'chuck it'.
Accurate, Block, Safe Throw, Nerves of Steel, Kick-Off Return, Tackle
Strong Arm, Dodge
+MA, +AG, +ST
Take Strong Arm over Double 5s, but not Double 6s (take +ST).
Take +MA over Dodge on a 2nd Double 5s, but not Double 6s (take +ST).
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Markhuntermassage
Tackle, Piling on,
Doubles: Dodge, Jump Up
Stats: ST,AG, MV over AV
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Garyt1
Joseph "The Bodyguard" Smit.
Joseph Smit was a well known bouncer in the "Preacher's armpit" tavern in Reikland. A solid individual, he would never back down from a knife wielding thief or a group of drunks. Many unwise pubgoers left with a broken nose or a new limp after outstaying their welcome. Joseph was also a key player in the pub amateur Blood Bowl team. But after he gave a beating to a local loudmouth politican who drank a stein too many he was kicked out of work and eventually found his way on the Bloodbowl circuit full-time. Maybe now he has found his true calling.
Skill options:
Guard, stand firm, tackle, mighty blow (normals)
Diving tackle, side step, (doubles)
Will take stat-ups.
+AG (40k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Ardonite
Dauntless (20k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Pro (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Sponsored by Coach JackassRampant
Inana is the goddess of sex and violence, lust and rage, passion and plenty. She conquered the temple of E-anna and Her cult rules in Uruk. She is the wandering star Venus, and She searches the mountains of the east and west for those who have profaned Her.
So MB, T, PO, Pro, Dauntless; Jump Up on doubles.
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Seventyone
James "sticky fingers" Blake
James has always wanted to be a thrower like his dad. He spent hours in his youth practising chucking the ball and the much more important skill of picking the ball up: throwing is always the last resort. Sadly although he was fast and quite slippery he just didn't have the raw strength to be a quarterback. His dad disowned him after he became a catcher: the type of player his dad most hated. Desperate to earn his dad's approval James may have the catcher's number on his shirt but plays like a thrower: standing back to pick up loose balls before running forward to score or maybe even pass!
Sure hands, block, sidestep
Doubles: pass, accurate
Stats: yes but av over movement. Plus strength would be ideal
Wrestle (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Timetis
Sponsored by Coach Dunenzed
Harold Darktree: Previously of the Altdorf Journeymen's Club. Only appeared in 2 games for the club for a career total of 1 block and two injuries. He swears that the niggle has cleared up and has the medical certificate to prove it. Why it was issued from a doctor based in Lustria is unclear.
Skill Path: Wrestle Dauntless.
Player Update: now with THREE medical certificates, Harold returns from surgery to join the team.
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Sponsored by Coach Dunenzed
Bowleg Warpedstones: Previously of the now defunct Lightweight Gloryhounds. Bowleg has had previous experience playing attheMajors, however that experience doesn't include success.
Skill path: Dirty Player.
Block (20k)
Kick (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Sponsored by coach Rabe.
Niklas Wolf originally played for the BB7s team "
7 Ordinary People". He even was its team captain for a while. In
his 12th game, against the fellow human team "
Praag Bears 7s", he alone caused three casualties and impressed one of the talent scouts enough to be offered a contract. However, something went wrong and he didn't end up in a proper team. Too pride to returen to the lowish Blood Bowl 7s league, he worked as a journeyman until he was one day offered a permanent lineman position for the Premiership War Gods.
Sponsored by Coach Markhuntermassage
Normal: Block, Dauntless, Dirty Player,
Doubles: Mighty Blow, Stand Firm
Sponsored by coach Ardonite.