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Breaded at Birth
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Wild Animal
Break Tackle (30k)
Foul Appearance (30k)
Spagrotti was once a slave master in the Krypshin Tunnel, forcing young Halflings to mine Warpstone for longer than average hours all in the name of wanting a promotion. Under his control was a cunning Halfling called Liver Fry who he had repeatedly whipped for smuggling out Warpdust (an expensive, raw form of Mutation Powder sold on the Black Market).
In revenge, Liver Fry caused an "accident" that trapped Spagrotti in a tunnel collapse. Spagrotti lived but being buried alive by Warpstone has left it's taint on him for life.
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Wild Animal
Tentacles (30k)
Killer was deputy to Spagrotti under the SSU (Skaven Slavers Union) and was first on the scene of the tunnel collapse that almost killed Spagrotti. The long exposure to Warpstone caused him to also mutate.
Several weeks following his mutation, Killer started slowly finding out how to work his growths to the best of his advantages by doing some reflex training on poor team mates. [ Tentacles/ First Skill Roll]
Right Stuff
Secret Weapon
Sweetie Todd was the Blacksmoke town barber, woodsman and frequently gave sweets to the young Halfling children. He was also a serial killer who turned unwitting Halflings into pies below his shop. Upon his capture and conviction he was given an ultimatum, join the ranks of the Breaded or work his remaining years in the Warpstone Mines. He chose to play for the Breaded.
Right Stuff
Secret Weapon
Jack was once a well respected stonemason in Blacksmoke. Using a strange device known as a chainsaw he would carve brilliant sculptures out of Warpstone. As the years went by he slowly started going mad and before middle age he was locked away in the mines for a brutal murder.
When Scree heard about the manner of the murder and the demeanor of the villain he rescued Jack, had his chainsaw returned and signed him up for the Breaded.
John Curry was once a logger who had a rather nifty taste for spices, often harvesting several types of seeds from the woods. Driven into the team by poverty and a hunger for a full belly.
After Liver Fry being retired left the team without a captain they embarked upon a search for their new leader. A few of the Breadhead Fan Clubs avid fans pointed Scree in the direction of Frosty Jack, the star halfling linesman of Deadmeat Deceivers. After some crafty drinks and a bag of warp formed gems, Frosty summarily transferred to the Breadheads as the new captain.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle (30k)
Paz Tar is a strange one. Never making much sense and never one to mince his words. Some say he might even speak the language of Daemons...
Ova Kookit was once a local chef. Not a good one bear in mind but you daren't complain about his food or risk a bloody nose. Many burnt pies later, Ova decided that this wasn't the career for him and headed on down to the local tavern for a drink and to watch the Blood Bowl Finals. He was shocked to discover that the Breaded at Birth team were recruiting and re-runs of their matches were being played on repeat. He was very impressed and, as he had just sold his cafe, needed the money. 72 hours later he was a Breadhead!
Lars Anya was and still is, a bard. Playing all across the taverns in Blacksmoke (yes, all three!) still isn't as profitable as it sounds. His weird drumming never seemed to draw much of a crowd and his taste for ale lead to a life of poverty. After seeing the latest recruitment drive, Lars decided to try out for the team.
One of the towns butchers. Nothing exceptional about Red except his exceptional cuts of bloody meat.
The smallest halfling on the team, Chomp Lett, is also the former town brewer. He used to make the finest oat and honey ale, the sweetest apple cider and the strongest Blacksmoke whiskey. That was until he added Warpdust to all his recipes and drank himself insane with Dust 'N' Oat Bru.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle (30k)
Side Step (30k)
Ava is the only female member on the team. Her husband sold her to Scree for a block of warpstone. She is extremely bitter at him and vowed to kill him in revenge when she can afford to buy out her own contract. She is also the only member of the team to of killed in a match by dismembering Qigong Gadzhibekov of Parmesan Belgrade in the Breaded debut match.
Right Stuff
Diving Tackle (30k)
Cottlidge is a very athletic halfling and vigilante. Brought up to protect others he would frequently chase down thieving gits. After giving this up for a while he decided that he wanted to get into Blood Bowl, an old pastime of his and once he was a member of The Breadheads, he started remembering old skills, such as how to dive and tackle.
Probably the only Halfling who can't stand the sight of raw meat without feeling sick.
Right Stuff
Block (30k)
Diving Tackle (30k)
Mars is nothing exceptional. Lived a rather mundane life sawing timber for the mines. Another victim of poverty, forced into the team.
Dragged from the mines where he has clawed for warpdust for nigh on a decade after a stupid mistake nearly burnt down a village. Before that he was a farmer with potatoes being shipped to all corners of the old world.