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Sons of the clan Skryre
Isil Zias is a new runner that joined the team for the Norsca Leagues, leaving a good impression to the fans with 4 passes, 2TD and an MVP, in 4 games. If he survives long enough, he may be an interesting pick.
Side Step
Really good runner who has achieve 6 TD in six games. Coach said he was impressive all game long and having a ratio of 1TD/game is a very high one.
But the coach didn't liked the fact that he becomes the essential player of the system and he started to feel a bit too important in the system. He tends to become unmanageable.
No slowdown or him after 13 games. It's 11 TD overall and 2 MVP award, and incredible ability to escape from opponents blows and a way to use contacts in his favor (Side Step). His high opinion of himself didn't lower, even if he dislike the fact he isn't the quickest in the team.
After Kurnous Crown (15G), he reached 13TD and is the best scorer in the team:
Skaddak commented: "nobody can break me. Nobody can slow me. I alwayz ezcape. that'zzzz meee. I am zzzzeee best around".
Skaddak continue to prove his qualities game after game. In 22 games, he made 1 passe, 18 TD 1 cas and 2MVP what are awesome stats. Extremely Quick (+MA and sprint) he added to his capabilities a great escape technique (blodge +sidestep).
sk8bcn said: "he's weird. He believes he is the best player ever but also always follow my orders without a question . That must be skaven mentallity"
Skaddak starts to feel the effects of the age. He's less agile than before. But the horned rat rewarded him with horns and his overall capabilities still makes of him the MVP and best player in the team. In 33 games, he had 2 passes, 24 TD, 2 cas and 2 MVPs. He has earned a lot of respect for his duties in the team.
Single words from coach sk8bcn: "Stupid line fodder".
Arzarizz: noachievement in 2 games. Let's see if he evolves right.
7Games, 4TD and 1MVP in 7games. Ezeniss Seneron is the new type of runner that must replace the superstars once. He is far more defensively minded and this will help the team a lot. The coach expect him to join the ranks of superstars in the the team.
17 games: 1 pass, 6 TD and 2 MVP for the defensive specialist in the team. "I'd never like to see my opponent run away from me and I want to harass him as much as I can. That's the only way to get stops like we need too."
However, he hasn't yet showed that much, and still stays in the shadows of the 2 teams-legends. His scoring is way too low for a 17 games career.
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Break Tackle
Hazarem had 4 games for 2 cas overall. Still a rookie. We'll see his value soon.
Hazarem was in a bad groove, already in a downward spiral dragguing him down. Slower than at his start (-MA) he finally started to find his rythm with 5 cas and 2 MVPs in 13 games. He's now more able to move around and found some confidence in his play.
"A rat-ogre is so expensive on the market that I won't let him go before long" said sk8bcn. "Yes, it's a problem when a quick team must work his plays with a slow big guy, but we'll easily get through that".
Zerienian: 1 game, 1 MVP.
11 games: Zerienian has made 3cas and got 3 MVP. He is a vicious player, used by the coach to sack catchers in defense. The coach appreciates his game strengths but not his behavior.
Zerenian is profundly evil and don't care whether it is just a training or a game. sk8bcn tries to keep him under control, but it's a difficult task.
20 games, 4cas 4MVPs: story of a broken career. The nasty Zerenian got injured in a game leaving his body weakened. Nothing more is to expect from him so he asked for a trade into the minor leagues (where his play is enough to shine as kind of an runner equivalent) but coach sk8bcn refused arguing that "With some work he can become a good covering specialist (if he gets diving tackle or shadowing)".
However, every specialist can see that he serves as linefodder and not much more. But if Zerenian leaves, the staff clearly said that they would use that contract breach to get his salaries back. Zerenian has no choice but to play.
Elishin earned 3 MVP's and made one pass in 14 games. He is quick and solid and coach sk8bcn wishes he had more players of his type. Experts thinks that his ability to get better is questionnable.
After 16, nothing more done but still a good player that does a good job on the court. Elishin belongs to the best linemen in the team (probably the best)
26G 1 pass, 2cas, 3MVP: Elishin added 2 cas to his statline what isn't bad. His quickness is a help for a team already mobile. He helps to hinder the opponents. sk8bcn said he is satisfied by him.
35 games: Elishin used his increased quickness to give 2TD to the team, for an overall: 1pass,2TD,2Cas,3MVPs. A solid statline for what is just basically a linerat. "I have a good career so it's great. I don't know how far it will go, but it's what I wanted so far!"
Pass Block
Very Long Legs
Only 2 games and 3 TD he is praised by coach and chaos god. They decided to reward him. They thought a long about what to give him but they opted for the one turner with Very long legs.
"With our other one having sprint, we were not sure this was the best choice but we wanna build up this team around 4 runners, and only one beiing the "last chance scorer". We couldn't take this opportunity off."
After 11 games, how quick he proved to be! 12TD made, more than 1 per game. He can run his drive without any opposition ready to stop him. He is tremendous.The whole game of the Sons isn't centered around him, and since he is a big target, he can usually be set off court. Basically, he is supposed to score, nothing more. A job where he belongs to the best.
20 games update: 16TD and 1MVP: His little body started to hurt him.
30 games: 2 passes, 19TD and 2MVPs: Where is Neris Helskin big talent gone? Sometimes, he doesn't play at all and when he does, he's far from beeing spectacular. Scoring 3TD in 10 games isn't what we name "great". However, coach sk8bcn has different beliefs about it:
"I did asked him to slow down to get experience for the young runners. Helskin has nothing to prove anymore, he's just great."
According to some sources, though, it's been told that the coach would like him to be gone, the lower the salary cap but the staff is against since he belongs to the legendary duo of the team!
Meskezir made 2 cas and earned an MVP in 7 games. He is really valuable for the team, and coach hopes on him for the upcomming tournaments.
In 16 games he reached 4 cas and 2 MVP. Thus he kept on his standart level of gaming. Relatively discrete, he remains unoticed by the media.
27 games and finally some attention from the press.7 cas and 5 MVPs, and rewarded by the Horned rat with claws. The coach labelled him as his personnal best player as he is the best blitzer overall. But the main problem is that the whole team need to evolve in a good team, not a single individual player.