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Lords of Chaos
Khorne is the Blood God, the god of battle, the angry god whose bellows of insatiable rage echo throughout time and space. He sits upon a mighty throne of brass atop a vast mound of skulls. A sea of splintered bones extends infinitely in all directions from him, the remains of those slain by his conquering champions. Khorne is a god of warriors, and his gaze is drawn towards battles. He shows favour to those who fight for what they desire : to great warriors and to mighty war leaders. Khorne respects strength, honour and martial skill.
Tzeentch is the Great Sorcerer, the god of magic and master of the mutable time stream. He is known as the Changer of the Ways, the one who directs the fate of the universe. Tzeentch guides unwitting mortals along paths destined to increase his own power , though they may never realise their part in his plan. He shows favour to those who use intelligence to control the world, especially to wizards and magical creatures. He takes delight in the plotting and politicking of men, and favours the cunning over the strong, the manipulative over the violent. Tzeentch is the Great Conspirator, the master of plot and intrigue. Few of Tzeentch's plots are simple, and many appear contradictory to others, or against Tzeentch's own interests. Only Tzeentch can see the trails of potential futures weaving forward in time like multicoloured threads. Tzeentch's plans reach through time and space and can carry through untold centuries. For what is a mere hundred years to a god who existed before the dawn of time and will exist long after the world is no more
Nurgle is the Great Lord of Decay who presides over physical corruption and morbidity. Disease and putrefaction attract him like a fly to a rotted corpse. It is the lives of lepers and the sorrows of the sick that fascinate him most. For his amusement he devises foul contagions which he inflicts upon the world. Many of the most horrible diseases are the creations of Nurgle, including the nauseating Red Pox and the most disgusting of all : Nurgle's Rot.
Slaanesh is the youngest of the Chaos gods and is known as the Prince of Chaos. Of all the Dark Gods, he alone is divinely beautiful. Slaanesh is seductive as only an immortal can be, disarming in his innocence, utterly beguiling in his manner. He is drawn to mortals possessed of physical beauty and charm. All of the sensual pleasures of art, music and companionship fascinate Slaanesh. He is the master of luxury and indulgence, of cruel passions and hidden vices, and of the terrible temptations that only a god can offer.
Sure Hands
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal