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Town Hall Tavern
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Stand Firm (20k)
Chunk is teams ugliest mo fo. People claim he is an ogre, but others just think he is a big fatty.
Apparently his real name is Paul but nobody really knows.
Big Gav is the Taverns long suffering teams captain, always successful with the ladies and can drink any other player under the table, including the team ogre/man beast/ugly mo fo.
Later on in the evening you can hear him waffling on about how he should have been picked up by the Reikland Reavers, how he was destined for bigger things, no one cares, but he carries on anyway.
Guido or "Ze German" as he is known by his close friends, although there arent many of them due to his often racist and facist behaviour.
Guido is generally avoided at all costs.
Danny is often referred to as DP, he claims that is his initials, but there are rumors he got this nickname from a long night in one particular night he spent with a married couple from the tavern. No one but Danny (and the couple but they soon disappeared) knows the real truth.
The least said about Kenny the better I feel, it is all in his name, although in case he is reading this, he is a fine upstanding gentleman who would do anything for you, include end your life if you ask nicely enough.
Grab (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Lil Daz along with his fellow little shit are known as the "Evil Little Tossers".
They take great delight in ambushing unsuspecting passers by and taking whatever they feel like just for a laugh. This does not go down well with a few of the fellow taverners, but as Daz is Franks son he gets away with it.
Grab (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Chambo is the second half of the evil little tossers.
Many have suggested that their friendship is a little more than just a "friendship" after all they do share a kit bag, a flat, underwear, often women (although they do always appear to be a little bored after a while).
Morgan is the team joker, or at least thats what he sells himself as, I actually have never seen anyone laugh at one of his jokes.
Churchy can be summed up by his year 7 home tutor, she simply put in his report "Churchy will never amount to anything as he is fat and lazy, also very VERY ugly", although he is still better looking than Chunk
Grimble is the most intelligent or the group, and is often questioned as to why he drinks in an establishment like the Tavern. He is regularly used to settle disagreements due to his knowledge and is often called "Wikipete".
He does have a dark side when he occasionally has a few to any sherberts or sniffs of foreign powders which then lead to "random acts of grimbleness". BEWARE
Fat Jay is the Big Gav's best mate. He is often pushed around and bullied by Big Gav but deep down there is genuine bromance between the two.
Fat Jay is often spotted on family holidays with gav and his family. Which explains why he is still on the team, despite being god awful at this sport.