34 coaches online • Server time: 16:00
Chaos ❊ ❊ All-Stars
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
* Got a BH in games 3 and 4
Turns per game: 16,17,15,16
Blocks per game: 6,10,8,7
Game #1:
6 blocks: 4 knockdowns
Knocked down himself 4 times
9-4 on bonehead rolls
1-0 on loner
1 accurate TTM throw (landing failed)
Game 2:
10 blocks: 3 knock downs, 2 stuns.
Knocked down 3 times
1 tackle (KO)
13-1 on bonehead
Game 3:
8 blocks: 3 knock-downs, 2 stuns, 1 KO, 1 BH
Knocked down 1 time
2 tackles: 1 stun, 1 KO
10-3 on boneheads
Block, Tackle
Guard, Stand Firm, Break Tackle
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Block, Tackle
Guard, Stand Firm, Break Tackle
Blocks | 31 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 2 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
0 rushes for 0 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Loner | xx | / | xx |
Bone-Head | xx | / | xx |
Human thrower
* 18yds rushing in game 1 (2 rushes)
* Got a completion in game 3 (8yds); also 16 yds rushing
Turns per game: 8,15,15,16
Blocks per game: 0,4,1,2
Game #1:
2 rushes - 18yds
0 blocks thrown
Knocked down himself 2 times + KOd twice, surfed once (stun)
1-0 on GFIs
2-1 on pickups
0-1 on catches
1-1 on KO rolls
Game 2:
4 blocks: 2 knock downs, 1 stuns.
Stunned 2 times
Game 3:
1 block
Knocked down 5 times, 1 stun
1 crowd surf (KO)
1-0 on dodges
4-2 on pickups
4 rushes (16yds)
1 completion (8yds)
Pass, accurate, strong arm, nerves of steel
Pass, accurate, strong arm, nerves of steel
Blocks | 7 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
1 / xx (8 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
xx rushes for 34 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |
Human blitzer
* MVP in game 2
* 7yds rushing and a handoff (-1yd passing) in game 4
Turns per game: 13,17,11,16
Blocks per game: 1,3,0,4
Game #1:
1 block: 1 knockdown
Knocked down himself once, stunned once, KOd once
1-0 on KO rolls
Game 2:
3 blocks: 1 knock down, 1 stun, 1 KO.
Knocked down 3 times, stunned 1
0-1 on dodges
Game 3:
Knocked down 1 time, KOd 2 times
0-1 on pickups
2-0 on KO rolls
Tackle, Guard, MB, Frenzy
Blocks | 8 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
xx rushes for 7 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |
Right Stuff
Goblin catcher
* 1 touchdown, 10yds rushing, and 2 fouls in game 2
* 1yd rushing in game 3
* -1yd rushing in game 4
Turns per game: 16,14,10,11
Blocks per game: 0,1,2,0
Game #1:
0 blocks thrown
Knocked down himself twice
Fouled once, no AV break
1-0 on GFIs
4-2 on dodges
0-1 on pickups
1-0 on handoff receptions
0-1 on catches
Thrown once, successfully, failed landing
Fumbled once, failed landing
Game 2:
1 block: 1 knock down
KOd once
2 unspotted fouls (1 fail, 1 stun)
3-0 on GFIs
1-0 on dodges
1-0 on pickups
1 rush (10yds 1 TD)
1-0 on KO rolls
Game 3:
2 blocks
Knocked down 1 time, 1 stun, 1 BH
1-0 on dodges
1-0 on handoff rceeptions
1 rush (1yd)
Right Stuff
Catch, diving catch
Nerves of steel?
Blocks | 3 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 2 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Sent Off | xx |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
xx rushes for 10 paces (1 TD)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
TTM Landings | xx | / | xx |
Animosity | xx | / | xx |
Human mutant
* MVP in game 4
Turns per game: 14,17,15,16
Blocks per game: 4,3,2,2
Game #1:
4 blocks: 3 knockdowns
Knocked down himself 3 times and KOd once
1-1 on dodges
0-1 on KO rolls
Game 2:
3 blocks: 1 stun, 1 KO
Knocked down 3 times
Game 3:
2 blocks: 1 knock-down
Knocked down 3 times, stunned 3 times
Block, guard, tackle, stand firm
Dodge, diving tackle
Blocks | 11 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
0 rushes for 0 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
Guard (20k)
Troll blocker
* 2 cas in game 1 (1 dead)
* 1 BH in game 3
Turns per game: 16,15,15,16
Blocks per game: 9,5,3,6
Game #1:
9 blocks: 2 knockdowns, 1 KO, 1 BH, 1 kill
Knocked down himself once
13-0 on really stupid rolls!
1 fumbled TTM attempt (landing failed)
Game 2:
5 blocks: 3 knock downs, 1 stun.
Knocked down 1 time, stunned 1
11-1 on really stupid
Game 3:
3 blocks: 1 BH
Stunned 1 time
2 tackles: 2 kncokdowns
8-3 on RS
Mighty Blow
Always Hungry
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
Block, Tackle
Stand Firm, Break Tackle
- 2 casualties in a game
- 1 player fatality
Blocks | 23 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 1 |
Other Cas | 2 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
TTMs |
xx from xx |
Fumbles | xx |
Teammates Eaten | 0 |
0 rushes for 0 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | xx | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Loner | xx | / | xx |
Really Stupid | xx | / | xx |
Regenerations | xx | / | xx |
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Minotaur blitzer
* MVP from game 1
Turns per game: 8,16,15,1
Blocks per game: 4,8,10,1
Game #1:
4 blocks: 2 knockdowns, 1 stun
Knocked down himself once, 1 stun, 1 BH
6-0 on WA rolls
1-0 on GFIs
1-0 on loner
Game 2:
8 blocks: 3 knock downs, 1 stun, 1 KO.
Knocked down 1 times
8-6 on WA
Game 3:
10 blocks: 4 knock-downs, 1 stun, 1 KO
Stunned 1 time
2 crowdsurfs (2 stuns)
0-1 interceptions
10-3 on wild animal
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Break tackle, juggernaut, guard, stand firm
Blocks | 23 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
0 rushes for 0 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |
Loner | xx | / | xx |
Wild Animal | xx | / | xx |
Human mutant
* Hand-off (1yd passing) and 3yds rushing in game 1
Turns per game: 16,17,3,16
Blocks per game: 2,5,1,2
Game #1:
1 rush - 3yds
2 blocks: nothing
Knocked down himself 3 times
0-1 on dodges
1-0 on pickups
Game 2:
5 blocks: 1 knock down, 1 stun.
Knocked down 2 times
1 tackle (stun)
0-1 on pickups
Game 3:
1 block: 1 knock-down
BH 1 time
Hypno gaze ???
Disturbing presence?
Foul appearance?
Block, Guard, pass block?
Blocks | 10 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
1 rush for 3 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |
Skaven mutant
* Fractured arm in game 1, missed game 2
* MVP from game 3
* 1 touchdown and 14yds rushing game 4
Turns per game: 15,-,15,16
Blocks per game: 2,-,5,3
Game #1:
2 blocks: nothing
Knocked down himself 2 times, stunned once, MNG'd (fractured arm)
2-0 on GFIs
Game 3:
5 blocks: 3 knock-downs, 2 stuns, 1 KO, 1 BH
Knocked down 1 time, KOd once
2-0 on GFIs
1-0 on KO rolls
2 heads
Block/wrestle, strip ball, tackle, horns
Blocks | 10 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
xx rushes for 14 paces (1 TD)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Animosity | xx | / | xx |
Human blitzer
* 1 cas (possible SI?) in game 1
* 8yds rushing game 2
* 1 touchdown and 7yds rushing in game 3
Turns per game: 16,15,15,16
Blocks per game: 3,1,4,5
Game #1:
3 blocks: 1 KO, 1 SI
Knocked down himself 4 times
1-1 on GFIs
1-2 on dodges
Game 2:
1 block: 1 knock down, 1 stun.
Knocked down 2 times
Surfed twice (1 stun, 1 KO - same drive thanks to Illegal Substitution card)
1-0 on pickups
1 rush (8 yds)
1-0 on KO rolls
Game 3:
4 blocks: 3 knock-downs
Knocked down 1 time, stunned 2 times
2-0 on GFIs
1-2 on dodges
0-1 on pickuops
1-0 on catches
1 rush (7 yds, 1 TD)
Tackle, Guard, MB, Frenzy
Blocks | 13 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 1 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
xx rushes for 15 paces (1 TD)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |
Human lineman
* Given -MA in game 2, missed game 3
Turns per game: 16,5,-,15
Blocks per game: 1,2,-,4
Game #1:
1 block: nothing
Knocked down himself 2 times, stunned 1
0-1 on dodges
Game 2:
2 blocks: 2 knock downs
surfed once (SId)
Block, Guard, Tackle, Stand Firm
Blocks | 7 |
Stuns/KOs | xx/xx |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Crowd Surfs | xx |
KOs | xx |
Fatalities | xx |
Other Cas | xx |
Fouls | 0 |
Stuns/KOs | 0/0 |
Fatalities | 0 |
Other Cas | 0 |
Sent Off | 0 |
Times Injured | xx |
Stunned | xx |
KOd | xx |
Passing |
0 / xx (0 paces) |
Fumbles | xx |
Interceptions | xx |
0 rushes for 0 paces (0 TDs)
Catches | xx | / | xx |
Pickups | xx | / | xx |
Interceptions | 0 | / | xx |
Dodges | xx | / | xx |
GFIs | xx | / | xx |
KO rolls | xx | / | xx |
Leaps | 0 | / | 0 |