Sat Morning Brkf Pals Season 2
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Thick Skull
Mr. T suffers fools only long enough to put them into the cold earth.
Do's and Do Nots
Do not: Mark Mr. T.
Do not: Taunt Mr. T.
Do not: Foul Mr. T.
Do not: Block Mr. T.
Do not: Dodge away from Mr. T's presence without his permission.
Do: Dress with respect.
Do: Be somebody.
Do: Be polite when speaking to Mr. T.
Do: Treat your mamma right.
Follow these rules and we will all get along just fine.
Mr. T. is comin' for you Yapo. God may forgive, but Mr. T. does NOT. You broke these kids hearts when you canceled the playoffs.
Best hitter in Season 1, this wild child gonna crack the skulls of some fools on the pitch.
Like a true champion, Penfold used his weakness as a strength. his cowardice propelling him into the endzone with great speed.
Zits has moved on to saving frog shaped worlds in space, but his Brother From Another Mother Pimple has come to learn the fundamentals and elevate his head crackin' skills.
Very Long Legs
This Crazy Horse can take punishment and keep on kickin' Shes the lucky charm of the team, keeping all the bad mojo away so everyone can focus. We couldn't do it without you.
Mike never had a Father or a stable body shape with all the green goo and storyline reboots. What he lacks in body he makes up for attitude. A good mindset for competition is the hardest thing to bring to the game, and Mike has it in abundance.
Very Long Legs
Sure Hands
I don't know what the deal with Derpys' friend is, but we will take all comers who are willing to learn and put in 110%. Besides, she smells like grandma's kitchen on a Sunday morning. That's great for team morale.
Very Long Legs
Attn: Rick. If you are reading this, we are NOT a Daycare. Your grandson is not a good fit for this team. It is not in me to bench someone, but I would do so in this case purely for his own safety. As it stands I cannot afford to put anyone aside. Please call me, you have my number.
Edit: I don't know. he's starting to do well, but it's more a case of running for his life than actual skill. Maybe he'll snap out of it.
Meeseeks is the perfect player. Always helpful, always upbeat, always full of ideas. If I could have 11 of these guys, we'd win every time. Sadly, his being here is tied to Mortys' presence. He was tasked to help Morty win "some crappy trophy to show his dad that anyone can be 'good' at sports." So it's a wash overall.
Another challenging player. He has a good attitude when we aren't at practice, if only we could keep an eye on him with his constant snacking. Considering investing in a dog cage to keep him away from the candybars.
Very Long Legs
This big brotha may eat for half the team, but once he gets moving, he's hard to stop!
Every team needs a mascot. This little dog started hanging out with us awhile back. while he may be no good in a fight, he's very helpful.