IronToothTribes WAAAAAGGHHH!!
badly hurt -
serious injury -
deaths -
foul cas -
badly hurt-
serious injury-
nobodys quite sure how deathsnarl made the team he is easily the slowest orc in the tribe often teased as being so thick he failed to drown at birth even though it wasn't his fault he was an algae spore orc
badly hurt-
seriously injured-
He is really glad war has come down to this
stonesplitter never really enjoyed the killing side of war and is now exceling at beating opponents in skill of ball handling and touchdowns instead of blood loss and blunt force trauma
badly hurt-
serious injury-
Sure Hands
Gets great laughs from throwing the ball at his "team mates" and blaming it on the opposition so they get beaten up and hurt
likes "Da Shiny Armor" of the blitzers plans to steal it when he gets the chance
badly hurt-
serious injury-
secretly aspires to be one of "Da Black Orcz"
As the "greenhorn" of the team Kruudda being pranked and initiated is a team favourite for rite of passage to wear armour
Their personal favourite is to put him on the line of scrimmage against the biggest player he can face and not being allowed to leave that player alone till he holds a tooth from its mouth