40 coaches online • Server time: 16:51
Gothia Scars
Hiya there! I am the cap'n of this team more or less... Ain't sayin i'm the best, but i have a controlled temper. I guess that is why N.Dragon choose me to keep the team together... ain't easy though with that Roughneck character. All he goes on about is to revenge his brothers tragic death.
Dirty Player
Mighty Blow
God... I am SOO dissapointed... here i have studied the art of unsportsmanship and i end up in a team where fouling is concidered a sin. BAH! Well my team mates aren't exactly angels anyways so...
Sure Feet
Don't you just love it... When the ball has been kicked off and i get it? Ain't nothin' goin' down in my house! I am the one and the only... Reddic "The Quick"!
You won't even see me untill the ref blows the whistle for a TD!
No wonder they call us "the dodger" cuz dodging is our game!
Hmm... Me and me was just wondering... which one of us is you talking too anyway?
Hey! Don't think that i can't punish some cuz of mah bad ankle! I WILL REVENGE MY BRO' AAAARGH!!!
As a team rookie i get alot of sh*t from the rest of the team. But i ain't complainin'. It could have been worse... I could have had two heads like that freak Runfast. Man that guy doesn't even know who he is from time to time.
Sure Hands
Hail Mary Pass
I learned to throw at home on the farm. Me and the other house rats was throwing around the cat. We liked to see if we could throw it in to the dog pen. And guess what... I did it!
As for my name "crosseyes".... It's IRONIC!
I've been in the team since it was created, but that bi*ch coach of mine just keep me as canon fodder... god i hate him... I want to change team...
Ahhaaaaaaaaaaa fsrgkh moah! UAEHH!
*intervievers notes: This guy needs help!*
I am Majja milk nose's steph brother... and i killed "Pelle-no-tail" for hitting on my sis'! Just so that you know! Won't let anything come near her that aint got brown fur and a naked tail!
Hiya guys! Listen up now. Don't try to screw me over... i didn't get my name for nothing you know! And the cat was big too! Nyahhahaha!
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Prehensile Tail
Wild Animal
Piling On
Razor Sharp Claws
HEY!! Who are you calling old? I might not be as hard as before but hell, im an enforcer man! Sure i jack a few f00's. Show them the pain! But sometimes it's about intimidation... Hehehe... it is mind games! I just do what the lord gave me the strenght and ability to do, and i thank Jesus christ for it every single day... And do i like what i do...? Hehehehe.... HELL YEAH!
AAH!! What do you want with me?! Don't come near me or else...! ...I might start crying... *sniff* *sniff*
Dude! I'm bad carma! Don't even know what that means but my coach keep sayin' it too me every game! I mostly sit in the reserves box cuz of my injury... but it's ok... i get my fair share of game play anyway!
Sure Hands
Safe Throw
Yo! i be crosseyes apprentice! It's ok... i think i might even be a better thrower than him some day! I'll just keep up the good work!