Sanctis Caeli et Custodes
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
+AV (30k)
Block (30k)
Grab (20k)
Guard (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Second only to Seraphims, the Cherubims serve the greatest tasks of God. They are the keepers of the Ark of Covenant, the mercy seat, and guard the tree of life in the garden of Eden.
They are sometimes depicted as a bull with eagles' wings and a human face and are mentioned in all three religions of the God of Abraham.
Since they are hyper-dimensional creatures, this one once in a while phases out of this dimension 1 in 6 times (bonehead roll is a corporealness roll)
one of two last original members to the team.
The Archangel!
Michael led the army of good against Lucifer and the fallen angels. He drove the devil away from Heaven and down into Hell.
He is the patron saint of soldiers, policemen, and me!
Dauntless (20k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
The archangel of the heavens. Messenger of God. Brought the good news and message to mother Mary that she is chosen to be the mother of God.
Also delivers messages from God to Daniel foretelling the coming of the messiah, heralds the coming of John the Baptist, and rumored to be the one that sounds the trumpet at the end of days to announce Jesus's return to earth.
Gabreil is the patron saint of messengers and postal workers.
The mysterious. It is unknown who or what Wormwood is, but he/it brings news to John of the end of days.
He/It denotes a warning of the coming of false Jews, the harvest of souls, Satan's son, the return of Jesus, and Armageddon.
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord
Raphael is known from the book of Tobit. Protector of Tobit, he binds the powerful demon prince, Asmodeus, in the desert to protect Tobit from being slain by him. Asmodeus lusted for Sarah and slayed all those who married her upon their wedding night before consummation.
Raphael is known for his great powers of healing. He heals Tobit of blindness, and is believed to be the angel at the pool of Bethesda, healing the sick.
He is the patron saint of doctors and nurses, the blind, marriage, and Catholic studies.
Sure Hands
Block (20k)
Fend (20k)
Saint Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of Italy, founder of the Order of Friars Minor, and coordinator of the first live nativity scene.
Lived around 1200AD, Francis rebuked possessions and money and began traveling town to town professing the good news of Jesus Christ. His ministry grew in numbers as others joined and became the Order of Friars. They wore no shoes and used a walking stick as Jesus commanded.
In 1219 he went to Egypt to minister to Sultan in hopes of ending the crusades. This led to allowing the Franciscan order permission to stay and be administers of the Holy Lands.
In 1223 he created the first nativity scene. At that time, Christmas was a mass where the priest would describe the nativity in a language almost no one understood, latin. The mass that night would not be able to hold all the worshippers, so Francis created the first live action nativity for all to come and experience the birth of our lord using all senses.
Francis is revered as he is the first recorded saint to receive the stigmata, supernatural wounds that mimic the wounds of Christ's crucifixion. The encounter occurred on a mountain with Francis fasting and praying and witnessed by Saint Bonaventure. A visit of a seraphim, the highest order of angels second only to God. The seraphim was witnessed to have six fiery and shiny wings and never touched the ground. The body appeared similar to a crucifixion, with two wings holding up the head, two for flight, and two shrouding the body. After the encounter, Francis was blessed with the stigmata.
Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment.
13th century saint best known for receiving the Rosary from Mary and instructed to use the power of prayer through her salter to convert the Cathar's to true Christianity.
Dominik is the inspiration for the founding of the Domenican order of priests who's tasks revolve around the use of the Rosary.
Dominik is the patron Saint of Astronomers.
The first martyr. Stephen is killed at the command of the Sanhedrin when he refuses to renounce Jesus. Upon his stoning to death, he professes he can see Jesus now, sitting at the right hand of the Father.
Saul was there at Stephen's murder, assisting. The matter is chronicled in the Book of Acts.
Stephen is the patron saint of alter servers.
His tomb was located after revealed by revelation to Lucian in 415AD at the site of Beit Jimal.
The patron saint of Germany. Boniface was the bishop that brought Christianity to the Germanic people in the 8th century.
He is also believed to be the inventor of the Christmas tree. Upon returning from a pilgrimage to Rome, the Germanic people strayed from the lord and began worshipping a great tree in the forest. Boniface decreed that if the Tree was a god, he could not cut in down. The people laughed and said "no one could ever cut down this tree"
Boniface agreed. "No human could, unless divined by the will of God himself. therefore, if I can cut down this tree, not only would it mean that it is not a god, but that the lord is the true God."
The people agreed.
With a single swoop of an ax, the mighty tree fell and the Germanic people begged God for forgiveness.
The tree was so huge, that an entire cathedral was built from its wood. It was so large, that upon falling, all was decimated around a tiny fir right beside.
Boniface notices the little tree and states to the people. "You like worshipping trees? I give you this one. Upon Christmas, find an evergreen and bring it into your house. Let its evergreen leaves remind you that Jesus is life and eternal."
Dauntless (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Living most of his life during the 13th century, Saint Albert was a great philosopher and scientist of his time, writing books on law, astronomy, love, and philosophy and teaching theology at the University of Paris. He was visited by Mary, the mother of God, and called to the priesthood as a member of the Dominican Order. Ultimately, rising to the rank of Bishop, Albertus retired from that position as the pomp and circumstance did not mesh well with the humbleness of the Dominican order.
After his death, his body was found completely preserved three years in his grave. He was canonized in 1931 and recognized as the Doctor of the church.
Albertus is the patron saint of scientists.
Rosalia was born in the 12th century and was a direct descendant to Charlemagne. In her teen years, she swore off earthly vanities and dedicated her life to God. Abandoning the wealth around her she set off to the mountains and lived the remaining years of her life in a cave, communing with God.
She wrote upon the cave wall "I, Rosalia, daughter of Sinibald, Lord of Roses and Quisquina, have taken the resolution to live in this cave for the love of my Lord, Jesus Christ."
She died there approx. 1160 and wasn't discovered until 1624 when the city of besieged with plague. Rosalia's spirit appeared to a hunter and was told where her bones lay. She instructed to bring them to the city and properly bury them. The hunter did as she asked and found them where she said. The city's plague was lifted.
Rosalia is the patron saint of evolutionary studies.
Sure Hands
Accurate (20k)
Block (20k)
Fend (20k)
Safe Throw (20k)
Strong Arm (30k)
Jesus's named successor and founder of Christianity.
Joan lived in the 15th century and best known for her involvement in the Hundred Years war between France and England after receiving revelation from St. Michael the Ark angel. She led the French army to recapturing two cities but was eventually captured and burned at the stake by the British for her war successes.
Joan was also known for her love of the sacraments which gave her great empathy for the poor.
She is the patron saint of France and military members.
Dirty Player (20k)
Sneaky Git (20k)
Foundress of the Religious of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle. Spent most of her life as a humble and simple sister in France during the early 19th century.
Dauntless (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Patron saint of goldsmiths, coin collectors, veterinarians, and horses.
Known for his conversion of the people of Flanders France in the 7th century. He was also a gifted metalsmith, coin maker for the king, and later in life, a bishop.
Eligius was also known for his kindness, friendly demeanor, and good will.
Eligius means "The Chosen One".
Block (20k)
Dauntless (20k)
Sure Feet (20k)
Living in the third century, Saint Barbara was described as being extremely beautiful, so much so, that her father locked her in a tower to protect her virginity. There, she decided to fully dedicate herself to the lord and swore to be chase for life.
As she reached appropriate age, her father began to bring suitors, but she turned them all away. He had a bathhouse built for her, but she persuaded the builder to add three windows to remind her of the Holy Trinity and keep her focused.
Frustrated, he let her out of the tower to mingle with others, but she immediately went to church and learned much of the lord. She professed to her father that she shall never accept his false gods and ways.
Enraged, her father had her tortured and humiliated publically naked. But the lord interceded, clothed her and healed her wounds.
This only made the father more angry to the point where he had her beheaded. Upon her death, he was struck down with lightning from the heavens.
Barbara is the patron saint of artillerymen and architects.