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Leaping Lumberjacks
Strip Ball (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
The legends say he was seven feet tall, and that he once wrassled a tornado and won. Tall tales, my friend, tall tales. Paul was actually a foot shorter than that, and while he had slapped a full nelson on a few fearsome forest critters in his years as a lumberjack, none of them included any tornadoes.

Diamond Ball: Season 1

Silver Star: Season 1
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Strong Arm
Take Root
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
Grab (20k)
Megamaple was quietly taking a 10-year nap, when he awoke to a slight chopping sensation. He was surprised to see a chunk missing from his trunk and Paul Bunyan standing next to him with an axe and a sheepish expression on his face. Paul immediately pointed at a nearby blue ox and claimed, "He did it." Megamaple attacked them in a muderous rage, but Paul was able to wrestle him to the ground, and afterwards they became fast friends.
His mother was a black bear and his father was a drunk elf that smelled of elderberry wine. Everywhere he goes, Birch the half-bear rocks his cut-off jean shorts and big brown work boots. Still, even with those big boots he wears, Birch is surprisingly light on his feet. His knees tend to get covered in skeeter bites though, due to the cut-offs.
What he lacks in size, Hank makes up for in determination. Although he is too weak to wield a regular axe, he uses his trademark hatchet to help remove smaller twigs and branches, with a fury not unlike that of a malfunctioning Beaverdrone 3000.
Tackle (20k)
Raisins first worked as an actor appearing in breakfast cereal commercials. He is best known for his strange insistence that we all receive two scoops of raisins in our Kelgor's Raisin Mush, which some experts believe contributed to the Great Raisin Shortage of '32.
Known for his propensity to take a 2x4 and whack you upside your head, Hacksaw made a name for himself in the no-holds-barred underground bare-knuckle lumberjack fighting scene before joining the team.
Aw, shucks! Trees give him the creeps, so the Beav' has made it his life's work to saw down as many of the leafy bastards as possible.
After a falling branch hit him in the head, Forest started running in his spare time. Man, he can run. It's not that he's very fast, he just doesn't know when to stop from fatigue, on account of that blow to his noggin, so the guy can run for miles. When he isn't running, you can find him sitting on a stump, telling his friend Jemmy how life is like a box of chocolate-covered goblin eyes.