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Stephanie always loved to play blood bowl but was outrageous about beeing at disadvantage beeing a beautiful girl and got mocked by her fellow male players. So after all that sickened her mood and lead to her straight forward and frenzied view of the game. Surfing other guys is kinda fun but rushing towards the endzone was always her thing.
Hating to stall, Coach Cedric unleashed the meanwhile faster, more agile and stronger Steffi in a legendary Season 26 of the League 1, where she made an, what will be all-time record in scoring with incredible 4 td per game going for 26 Touchdowns in a season and 81 spp.
In the following cup, the munich lions managed to get the cup, but Steffi got an everlasting injury reminding her, why we all dislike dorfes.
Next season coach Cedric laid his protecting hands over Steffi, because from that point on , she was the most hunted player in the whole Obba-League. Steffi kept a low profile, just scoring 7 Touchdowns, mainly to the new directive of the Coach. The coach laid mor weight to defense an skilling other players, only giving steffi the ball in critical situation,but of which were a lot there, though. If Steffi had the ball, she is a one-girl-army and nearly no one can prevent her scoring...
With 4 TD in the cup, defending the title, finally Steffi reached the premiership, scoring 4 Td until game 3 right now, managing to become the legend she was in reality long before.
Now with the legend leap skill, she will be even more a menace than before and so she can get closer to become the all-time best player in whole obba history.