64 coaches online • Server time: 21:39
Bloody Tough Mob
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle
A troll that befriended the little Goblin that is also in the team. The Goblin does the thinking for both of them, and they are rarely apart.
Right Stuff
Diving Catch
A Goblin that was picked on for most of his life. Heck, aren't all Goblins? But this one learnt, and then befriended a Troll...
One of two sets of Identical Twins, He is the oldest one, born 10 seconds before the next oldest. The leader of the 4 of them, despite being the stupidist.
2nd oldest of the two sets of identical twins, he's the smartest of the lot and second in command. He can read! Kinda....
A new recruit to fill the gap. He's big, strong, and dumb as sap.
A former criminal, he was released soley to play for this team, the chieftan's favourite.
Sure Hands
Strong Arm
The most egotistical of the group, he is sure that the team would fall apart without him. This is despite in training thus far never touching the ball.
The second new guy brought in to replace a dead guy. Is well liked, since he owns a brewery on the side.
Are you making fun of my name? Are You? ARE YOU?!? ARGH!!!!!!!! *various smashing noises*
His name: Last words his dad said.
Younger Brother of Ran Dom. Doesn't really want to be here, but doesn't want to appear weak before his brother.
He's the New Guy. Brought in, everyone's a little wary, he's from New Orc, and New Orc is a weird place...
Brought in to cover when Smarty is injured/drunk. Drives a red cart, and is a trader in his spare time.
Just in case Diggler gets eaten...