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Saved from death by apo at his 11th game.
5 confirmed Kill.
Missed 4 games.
Game 11: Killed a a rookie Ghoul from Dead is just a phase.
Game 12: Killed a rookie gob from Green Losers.
Game 19: Killed a rookie snotling from Big Frenzied Giants.
Game 22: killed a rokkie beastman from Rash.
Game 25: Without valuable ball carrier Jacques took the game in hand scored 2td with 1 cas for a 2-1 victory against some nurgle of Twelve Models.
Game 26: With 2 cas he became Superstar with 24 cas 8td and 1 Mvp. Became the 14th Active Darkie blocker in the BOX, the 10th Active Darkie Blitzer and the 21th All Time Blocker Darkie Blitzer.
Game 29: Crippled (Smashed Hip (-MA)) a legend s4 catcher High Elf.
Game 30: Crippled (Smashed Knee (NI)) S6 beast of nurgle but got crippled too (Smashed Knee (NI))just after.Will not take his retreat now. 1st game missing.
Game 34: Killed a rookie Darkie from Rogue Industry in 2nd rnd XFL XI
Game 49: Got Broken Neck (-AG) agaisnt some chorf last prep game before FC.
Game 58: Got Fractured Leg (MNG) agaisnt Bad Medecine 1st round of a bawlhi.
+MA (30k)
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Game 10 : Killed a veteran dp lino pro elf from Krosan Griffins
Game 22 : Saved from -MA
Game 1: Turn 1 bh a Minotaur on a double skull block and got mvp.
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Guard (30k)
Side Step (20k)
Captain of the team
Game 33: Apo saved him fromd death got Pinched Nerve (MNG) instead round 1 XFL XI
Game 43: Became captain of the team(45) , second captain after the death of Achile Zavata.
Game 49: Got a Broken Neck (-AG) in a 2/1 victory in the second turn of the FC cup XVII vs Khockney Khemri.
Game 56: Killed a rookie darkie 1st round XFL XIV.
Guard (30k)
Side Step (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Game 49: Saved from death by apo 2nd turn of FC Cup XVII vs Khockney Khemri
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Side Step (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Game 25: Killed a merc lineman darkie vs Underdark.Destroyers in 3rd game XFL XI.
Game 38: Killed a rookie lino pro elf from Krosan Griffins in a brawl final
+MA (30k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Guard (30k)
Game 23 : Killed a rookie darkie blitzer
Dirty Player (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Former Journeyman.