Odin Dashton, the elder brother of Louis Dashton is also one speedy halfling. He adopted the nickname "Lightning" during a stormy day of trials when he was going for the touch down, a strike of lightning hit him but he survived! However the flash of the light stunned him, preventing him from scoring. This does not affect him getting on the team. Such speed and lightning resistance is deserving of a spot on the team.
Odin, unlike Louis is a much calmer entity, and would much rather read books or paint a picture of nature. He learnt the ways of blood bowl through the writings of the famous halfling, Puggy Baconbreath and was fascinated by the sport and introduced it to Louis. In regards to his picture painting, he paints pictures of the Mootland landscape. His paintings are very realistic, but he says that his inspiration was Peter Polenski, a fellow team mate of Odin. Unlike Peter, he does not keep his paintings a secret and they are situated around the school campus.
Odin is also a talented chef. Many of his books at home are recipe books (including some of my own). His favorite recipe is Squig Ratatouille, as the texture of Squig he says is unlike any other meat in the Old World. I'd have to disagree with Odin and say that Squig is the most revolting of meats but whatever fills his stomach I guess. He has stated to me and the rest of MFC that he will release his recipe when he leaves the university.
The Dashton brothers are a force to be reckoned with and Odin is no exception. Having a more calmer approach to the game he will make a great addition. Hopefully one day he'll become a great, but at this said moment, we'll never know if he'll go pro or keep cooking.
-Head chef and coach of the MFC, Mushoomy
(Hired Season 4)

-Silver Sparrow Season 4

-Little Big Man Season 4