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Oldbrick Arrows
Nerves Of Steel
Dodge (20k)
Leap (20k)
At a very young age, Gwilae had tragically lost both his parents in a bizarre accident involving a pair of white gloves. Since that day, the young Elf had decidated his life to destroying pale-coloured gloves in all their forms. Having tried his hand at business - his plan to undercut the entire glove industry by promoting fuzzy rings with googly eyes as a cheaper alternative failed miserably - he turned to Bloodbowl, having been made aware that many rival catchers wear gloves, some of which are even white, and so vowed to up his game against any opponents wearing white gloves.
Gwilae is also extremely colour-blind, and none of his teammates have had the heart to tell him that, unbeknownst to him, the lucky pair of gloves he wears in every match are, in fact, white.
Sometime, ignorance is bliss.
After 5 games / his 5th game
Gwilae's head-turning game against the High Elf White Glove Society was a special one for many reasons. For one, he was awarded his first MVP award, for scoring what was also his first career touchdown in the dying seconds of the game to tie the game at 2-2. And for another, the game was his first major victory in his ongoing war against white-coloured gloves. Ye Gwilae remains vigilant; he knows the enemy will regroup, and could be anywhere. Sadly he has still not noticed the enemy currently enveloping both of his trusty hands.
Nerves Of Steel
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Tauran hails from a proud and hilariously unsuccessful line of fishers. His father cast his line for a living, as did his father and his father before him. Yet, for all their generations spent along the banks of the river Crystalwood that runs through the southern border of Oldbrick, not one Bluesoul had ever actually caught a fish. For generations they would try; Tauran's great-great-grandfather had come the closest, actually pulling a pathetic little thing out of the river, only to die immediately of a heart attack from the excitement, and drop the still-living fish back into the waters. Dissatisfied with his family's failures, and under the influence of Dark Elf punk bank Knife in the Back, the young Tauren rebelled, and saught fame and fortune on the Bloodbowl field.
After 6 games / his 6th game
Against the High Elf Washington Heights Ballers, Tauran caught his second and third touchdowns for the team, the former a memorable hail mary from the halfway line hauled by Tommi Blackring, making him the most prolific catcher in the team's short history.
Side Step
Strip Ball (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Albert is not an Elf. His blood is not that of the Oldbrick natives, nor the proud High Elves, nor the venomous Dark Elves, nor even the liberal Wood Elves. He is a Human.
His family had come to Oldbrick a generation ago as sellers of novelty footwear, an admittedly misguided business venture considering the relative poverty of the district, and its residents' preoccupation with purchasing food and firewood over socks with little cat ears on them. Yet the Silenteage family grew to love the borough, and soon settled there, brining up young Albert within its walls. When his parents' business collapsed, the young Albert turned to the Bloodbowl field with his friends to make ends meet and, finding no welcome among the other races of Whitevale despite his almost Elven skills with the ball, he returned to Oldbrick as a journeyman.
After 6 games / his 1st game
His comrades recognised their old friend and, in his first game against the High Elf Washington Heights Ballers, voted him their MVP. He was then welcomed onto the team with open arms.
By day, Saia is a Bloodbowl player; but by night, she roams the streets of Oldbrick as the Helmeted Heroine, a costumed vigilante bent on purging evil from the streets, and righting the wrongs of Oldbrick society. However, she is also a writer and, being unable to juggle two spectacularly underpaid jobs at once, has been forced to start charging the residents of Oldbrick for her crime-fighting services, just to be able to afford rent. It would actually be of greater financial benefit for these residents to simply be robbed, rather than have their possessions recovered then pay Saia's extrortionate fees, but such a thing, according to Saia, would be letting the villains win!
Well, villains or socialists.
After 4 games / her 4th game
She is one of the more determined members of the Arrows; damaging her skull in a match against the Lizardman Exskinction side, helmets have never fitted her since, rendering her more fragile than her line-mates. Yet her resolve was not broken, and has since been working on strength training to the point where she can stand toe-to-toe with enemy bruisers, and not be pulverised.
Well, until a well-placed blow finds the soft spot on the side of her head again.