17 coaches online • Server time: 02:32
DunkelBerg White Wolves
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
+ST (50k)
Block (30k)
Draft Season 2
Franchise Player
Draft Season 2
1st round pick equivalent
Joined team in season 2
Skills: Mighty Blow.
1st player choose by the coach after the take over.
Fans are questioning if this player was take for his talents or for his name?
Time will tell.
Sure Hands
Block (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Joined team in season 2
Skills: Block/Tackle
Young Brother of Mike.
Joined team in season 2
Skills: Kick
+ST (50k)
Thick Skull (30k)
Draft Season 2
Draft round 2
Draft number 38
Pick number: 38
Skills:+Strenght/Thick skull
Older brother of Doug.
Game 1:Made the first cas of the team.
joined team in season 2
Skills:Dirty Player / "compensation skill granted at team takeover"
Game 1:2 fouls 1 BH before being sentoff
Game 2:1 foul, 1 BH before gtting sentoff.
Block (20k)
Nerves Of Steel (30k)
Draft season 2
Draft round 4
Draft number 139
Pick number: 132
Skills: Nerves of steel / Block
+AG (40k)
Pass (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Draft season 2
Draft number: 01
Draft round: 1
Pick number: 9
Skills: +Agility/Pass/SureHands
Lost Strong Arm
Game 1: Apo saved him from -AG.
Game 3:Apo Saved him from death.