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New Lunar City Lycan
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Kyle Roberts was a track runner at his youth breaking records for speed was what he was known for in the past. One night, he was attacked during his training which he survived without reason in mind he got up. He was now drench with the Lycantrop curse.
12/1/2016 - Kyle Roberts was recruited to be the captain of a new team of Necro and played his first game. The team suffered a horrible lost in there first game in the hands of the Monkey Troubles. With the score being four to nothing he still manage to be the start of his team winning the MVP of the games for his efforts but the inexperience of the player and the coaching staff was truly revealed. (This game gave him the Skill Block)
Roberts played another game on this day with his team in a real tussle scrimmage versus the Mootland Fryers. He manage to rush for the first touchdown of this game showing his true speed in the first quarter of the first half showing the team he is there leader but unfortunately got knocked out for the rest of the game by a violent Treeman. The team finished in a tie once he woke up hours after the match up he was happy it was not another blow up like the first match up.
12/2/2016 - Kyle had another amazing game this day versus the Brawling Bumpers. The team was pushed around a lot this game but Kyle manage to keep his team in one piece and scored the Tying touchdown. He finished this game with a completed pas eleven rush yard and Seven blocks being the leader in all of the stats for his team. The Question now how is he going to turn this team in to a competitive team?
The Earth Fathers: This game was quite long for the team suffering a injury on Kyle's best friend Tony did not exactly help the situation. He helped as much as he could on the defensive end tonight recording a good standard nine blocks while nearly killing Orfang Bullrusher before the doctors save his life that the player could live to see another day.The disappointment of this defeat was simply the defensive side was just not playing hard enough causing them the match.
The Panama Paper Tigers - Kyle versus his second halfling team and my god did he ever avoid those treemen. But not all was bad since it was the best game of his five game career as of now. Rushing the ball nine teen yards having a complete pass two touch downs and six blocks. He was determined not to let anyone stop him when he has that ball in hand and did he ever made them regret letting the small openings for kyle to get to there ball carrier and running in the ball. This is also the first victory for the Franchise and it is doubtful that it will be the last one if Kyle keeps this up. (Earned Dodge)
12/3/2016 - Kyle was at the first game against the RBBC Guardian Dragons. He did mot performed as well as the other game but still did a solid day of assisting his team and pressuring the other team. Finishing with six blocks and three rush yards for him team.
Super Sturdy Stingers: This game was not the best in bashing with the elves constantly running but Kyle decided to show the elves how to run with and without the ball. Receiving twenty-two yards of rushing allowing him to score two touchdown versus the offensive threat of the Elves and to make matters worst for his opponent he had four block causing a Elf to hav a change of heart and turning to a zombie... yes let us say that and another the opposing teams best player that was saved by there doctors , for a few minutes anyway, Kusian The Brave Grasshopper. Let us say that the elves stayed as far away from Kyle, fearing for there life, they possibly could. (double three's getting Mighty Blow)
Worghul's Horde: Holy hell where the hell did this come from Kyle?. Another game and this time he beats his personal best Touchdown and rushing yards in a single game hitting three touch downs and fourty-one rushed yards. He was rarely seen in the deffensive side finishing with a single block but his offensive presents was worth noticing in that one congratulation Kyle.
12/4/2016 : The first game of the day was just horrible for not only kyle but the whole team. Kyle managed to score a touchdown to give his team the first one of the match but got hurt not long after. This was the worst performance from the team and himself that we ever seen and the coach was not to trill and even broke a Goblin's skull open when the little guy tried to question him after that match.
12/3/2016 - Lorein The Fire Ant - Elvish Kicker - Super Sturdy Stingers
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
12/1/2016 - Trevors played in the first match up against the Monkey Troubles and was Knocked out during the third of the first half and remained on the side the rest of the game.
The Match versus Mootland - My world was he ever a defensive presents in this match finishing with 12 block tied for second from the game and first of his team. He also made his mark on the opposing team Wilfred Waters mid way through the second half was baddly hurt from a severe hit while Finbar Furryfot suffered a groin Strain from the miss landing of a clean check a bit earlier of the same half. The coach called him the true Most Valuable Player while the judges voted for teammate George "The Jolt" Johnson who had many blocks but was not as impact full.
12/2/2016 - Tony has played in the game versus the Brawling Bumpers ending the match up with descent seven blocks but that is the limit of his accomplishments for this match up.
Earth Fathers - This is the game that Tony set out to be the best player he possibly be but one hard hit from a member of the opposing team cut that short having his head on the tough skull of Mani Stonecarver causing him to suffer a major concussion there are talks about the potential release of Mister Trevors but for now it is uncertain what the General Manager of the New Lunar City Lycan will do.
Missed Game - Tony was unclear to compete in the match up versus the Panama Paper Tigers but he was still seen on the side line cheering on his team and his best friend Kyle Roberts while he showed the speed of the past. Does this mean the General Manage of the team decided to keep him around we will find out soon since he is officially cleared to compete in the next match.
12/3/2016 - RBBC Guardian Dragons might of been shocked at the return of Tony to the field for the New Lunar City Lycan cause he went from missing a game to be the most dominant is his team. Ending the game with a completion, a Touchdown, and two Casualties as well as five blocks and 13 rush yards. The two that where hurt where Bahamut that did return from the opposing doctors work and the other was Jade the Skink. Great work in that game from Tony will he be able to carry that moment to the next match only time will tell.
Super Sturdy Stingers - Well it seems Tony and Kyle love to exchange great performances since this one he still managed to take out Osmond Palerock for the rest of the game while executing a small three blocks this game.
Worghul's Horde - this one was not exactly his best match of all time but he still managed to come out with five blocks while also taking out Carnivore Stepstool but the Necromancers on the other side manage to save there player and he would then have revenge on Tony fouling on him at the end of the first half.
Mighty Blow (20k)
12-1-2016 : Hank was a farmer in the imperial until his life was tragically reach its end when he got recruited to the Imperial team of blood bowl. After his death his spirit was thirsting for the blood of the imperial scum human and joined the New Lunar City team for a chance to hone his skill to learn to destroy others. The first game did barely anything but stair at the sun versus the Monkey Troubles.
Mootland Fryers: The first half of the game was the first and only death of the game and it was in the hands of Hank versus a poor Halfling named Milo Boffin who foolishly stayed in front of Hank when he was going for the opposing team ball carrier.
12-2-2016 : Hank played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening.
Earth Fathers : The game felt longer then it should of and the lost of one of the main player Tony Trevors for the match with no certainty of return after the concussion. Hank's anger exploded when he caught up with the Troll Slayer Magni Stonecarver and took the man completely out for the rest of the game which Hank was furious that the coward stayed out since he wanted to tear the dwarf in half. He also managed to finish the game with seven blocks
Panama Paper Tigers : This match up was different Hank was determine to show the world that he is here to help his team get the victory. Most of the match however he was assisting other but still ended with three blocks but what makes this worth nothing he headhunted the opponents blockers that wanted to stop him and the team to reach the ball and bashed through Polter Investment killing the pore Halfling upon impact making the second Kill for Hank and both Halflings funny enough. ((Earned Mighty Blow))
12/3/2016 : Hank has played the game against RBBC Guardian Dragons and ended the match with six blocks but nothing else on the score sheat but that does not mean he did not do well being right place the right time was the game for Hank being there for many assist and slowing down the opposition while keeping them on there toes.
Worghul's Horde: Well this game was Hank being everywhere this game giving assists to his team and still manage to throw his weight around with six blocks in this match up.
Kills :
Milo Boffin - Mootland Fryers - Halfling (Death: 12/1/2016)
Polter Investments - Panama Paper Tigers - Halfling (Death: 12/2/2016
12/3/2016: Lorein The Fire Ant the noble Elf from the Super Sturdy Stingers team living his time as a kicker but during the match up against the New Lunar City Lycan his life changed quite roughly. He met with the opposing team captain Kyle Roberts and the diplomatic approach of the claw slicing through his chest might let us say convinced him to join the opposing team and his anger also allowed him two receive two blocks against his former teammate that left him unprotected.
Worghul's Horde: Lorein did not manage to play much since he hit the field and a few minutes after he was taken out Wulskusk Gray a Mummy on the opposing side.
His Kicker Days -
12-1-2016 : Nothing remarkable as of now. He was one of the many Zombies that wanted a position in a team that had no luck in other teams or leagues that the New Lunar City Lycan invited them in.
12-2-2016 : Wayne played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. ((Stealing MVP, Block 5))
Wayne played the match up against the Earth Fathers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (5 blocks)
Wayne played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (2 blocks)
12-3-2016 : Wayne finally has something to put on his resume that will wide up the peoples eyes. During the game against RBBC Guardian Dragons he took down a Veteran Saurus by the name of Aurelion Sol at the end of the first Half. (3 blocks and earned Block Skill after the match)
Wayne played the match up against the Super Sturdy Stingers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (3 Turns)
Worghul's Horde: Well this game was Wayne being everywhere this game giving assists to his team with three blocks and all of the sudden the opposing team kicks the ball horribly landing in Wayne's hands he then dodges the opposing team line rand the ball all the way to Red and passed him the ball not reaching fast enough and the ball was caught then Red ran and gives the ball to Kyle that ran all the way for a touchdown. The crowd where silent in this excellent play from the zombie and the coach could not stop laughing at what had just happened.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
12-1-2016 : Nothing remarkable as of now. He was one of the many Zombies that wanted a position in a team that had no luck in other teams or leagues that the New Lunar City Lycan invited them in. Though however in the combination of both games of this day he has a total of 9 Blocks which the coach has taken notice and is quite happy that one of his Zombies has done something as good as he has done.
12-2-2016 : Adam played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. ((Knocked out Turn 7))
Adam played the match up against the Earth Fathers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
Adam played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
12-3-2016 : Adam played the match up against the RBBC Guardian Dragons without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
Adam played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
Worghul's Horde: Adam played the match up against this team without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (2 blocks)
12-1-2016 : Nothing remarkable as of now. He was one of the many Zombies that wanted a position in a team that had no luck in other teams or leagues that the New Lunar City Lycan invited them in.
12-2-2016 : Timothy played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. ((Knocked out turn 9))
Timothy played the match up against the Earth Fathers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (7 blocks)
Timothy played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
12-3-2016 : Timothy played the match up against the RBBC Guardian Dragons without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (4 blocks and MVP Steal)
Timothy played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (3 blocks)
Worghul's Horde: Timothy has just hit a career high of blocks this game of eight which is not a feat we see often from a zombie at the current time for this team so congrats to Timothy for his efforts this game.
12-1-2016 : Nothing remarkable as of now. He was one of the many Zombies that wanted a position in a team that had no luck in other teams or leagues that the New Lunar City Lycan invited them in.
However in the game against Mootland Fryers she has did relatively well with a mediocre 6 block causing a injury to Hammy Brambleweed which took him out for the remainder of the game.
12-2-2016 : Cheryl played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. ((6 Blocks 2nd game in a row?))
Cheryl played the match up against the Earth Fathers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (2 blocks)
Cheryl played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (3 blocks)
12-3-2016 : Cheryl played the match up against the RBBC Guardian Dragons without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (1 blocks)
Cheryl played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (3 blocks)
Worghul's Horde: Cheryl played the match up against this team without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (3 blocks)
Block (20k)
Pass (30k)
12/1/2016: Red was a player in a normal undead team that was always on the bench and got angry and decided to apply for the new team where he got accepted and in his first game he was bench for the first half since the coach did not want to waste the potential runner to get hurt or worst but the second game he got in relatively early where he manage to do 7 block surprising the coach that never thought that a ghoul could be so useful in the defensive side.
12-2-2016 : Hank played the match up against the Brawling Bumpers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening.
Earth Fathers : Red played an amazing game before he was knocked out late in the final half. He finished this game having his first Touchdown of his career while having twenty-two rush and three blocks. The coach was smiling watching this ghoul but it was about the only good thing that happened for the team that lost 2-1.
Panama Paper Tigers: Another game and the second game with descent rushing distance. He has not been able to score the touch down this one verses the Halfling but he still got eleven rushing yards while also helping out with two blocks.
12-3-2016 : Red played the match up against the RBBC Guardian Dragons without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (7 Rush Yard, 1 Complete Pass)
Red played the match up against the Panama Paper Tigers without anything remarkable or remember-able happening. (6 Rush Yard, 1 Completion,2 blocks)
Worghul's Horde: Red was Laser focus on his targeting for the opposition weaknesses in this one with only three blocks he manage to put both Ion The Revive - Ghoul that was forced to retire after that game and Socket Steepstool that suffered a pinched nerve that will force him out of the next match up as well. This surprised many since he never seemed to be able to really hurt anyone and in this one my gosh did he prove us wrong.
Forced Retirement:
Ior The Revived - Ghoul - Worghul's Horde