Tribute To Bowl And Blood
Always Hungry
Big Guy
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
Wild Animal
Cass Made :
1.SI ( fractured leg - niggle ) on Filthy Phil "Pest of the Best" skaven lineman
2. SI ( damaged back - niggle ) ( apoth ) on Radar Rat "Pest of the Best" skaven lineman
Cass Taked :
1. KILLED ( apoth ) by Iron Mike "Nasty Narki" hobgobo
2. BH by Nisse The Mighty "Nasty Narki" hobgobo ( dirty boot )
Gift For Fans
With Few go for its he managed to push Lycanthropic Loui II "Nagash Gnashers" werewolf into the crowd, which killed that poor bastard
Right after this Mezir The Evil Twin was pushed into the crowd himself and was seriously injured
Cass Received :
1. BH from Deeproot Strongbranch "ChopSticks" hired treeman
2. BH from Ebola "Typhoid Mary's Partners" nurgle beast
3. SI ( gouged eye ) from Amino Acid Oxidase "Viper Strike" saurus
Cass Made :
1. SI ( Broken Ribs ) Russell's Viper III "Viper Strike" skink
Cass Made :
1. KILL on Mikael Andersson "Hammarby" human lineman
2. BH on Rubber Rat "Pest of the Best" skaven lineman
Cass Received :
1. BH from Small Pox "Typhoid Mary's Partners" nurgle rotter
2. BH from Sistrurus Miliarius "Viper Strike" kroxigor
3. BH from Ghoulas III "Nagash Gnashers" ghoul
Cass Made :
1. SI ( serious concussion -1AV ) ( apothed ) on Darkar "Soul Of Corruption" chaos warrior
2. BH on Mortimer Mingy "Pest of the Best" skaven lineman
Cass Made :
1. BH on Crush "Redhill Rampagers" chaos warrior
Cass Taken :
1. BH by Franco "Nasty Narki" bull centaur
Cass Received :
1. SI ( smashed knee - niggle ) ( apoth failed ) by Bradley "ChopSticks" dirty halfling ( on foul )
2. BH from Too slow to get up "recovery game charity team" treeman
3. SI ( fractured leg - niggle ) by Fatbasher Smellythud "Nasty Narki" chaos dwarf
First to get serious wound
First to get second serious wound
Cass Made :
1. Kill ( not apothed ) Dat Nguyen "Dallas Cowboys II" ogre
Cass Taken :
1. BH from Osiroh Malach "Yetzerhara's Minions" chaos warrior
2. BH from Killdozer "Nasty Narki" chaos dwarf
Gift For Fans :
Graktar " Soul Of Corruption " chaos beastman pushed into the crowd for BH... fans seems enjoyed this one
First made normal pass
<@Gorritakid> one pass and no more!!!
<@Gorritakid> muahaha now that I have big hand I will become the ballcarrier
<@Gorritakid> and I will always score by myself
<@Gorritakid> never hand off
<@Gorritakid> never pass
Cass Made :
1. BH on Dead meat "recovery game charity team" halfling
2. SI ( Smashed Ankle -1 MA ) on Gaboon Viper "Viper Strike" skink
3. BH on Icky Creeper "Pest of the Best" skaven gutter runner
Cass Received :
1. SI ( groin sprain ) from Amadeus "Past Players" werewolf
Cass Made :
1. BH Lice "Typhoid Mary's Partners" nurgle beastman
2. Kill ( apothed ) on KO:d by the bowl "recovery game charity team" halfling
3. BH on Rucker "Redhill Rampagers" chaos beastman
Cass Received :
1. BH from Sergeant New "ChopSticks" treeman
2. BH from Too slow to get up "recovery game charity team" treeman
3. BH from Scipio Afrokan "Yetzerhara's Minions" chaos beastman
4. SI ( niggle ) from Carlton WInchester IV "Nasty Narki" chaos dwarf
Gift for Fans :
1. pushed "Rune Hammer" dwarven blitzer into the crowd for SI ( not permament ) , though blitzer somehow managed to slay 1 FF rating worth of fans :/
Cass Made :
1. SI ( Damaged Back - niggle ) on Sharuu Arkhmajot "Yetzerhara's Minions" chaos beastman
Cass Received :
1. SI ( Groin Sprain ) by Mortimer Mingy "Pest of the Best" skaven lineman
Cass Made :
1. Kill ( not apothed ) luz "Angry Deities" high elven catcher
Cass Received :
1. SI ( fractured arm ) by Proteinase "Viper Strike" saurus
2. SI ( fractured leg - niggle ) ( apothed ) by Grinder Jnr. "Redhill Rampagers" chaos beastman
3. BH by Killdozer "Fatbasher Smellythud" chaos dwarf foul
First killer
Cass Made :
1. BH Beltar "Angry Deities" high elven lineman
2. SI ( Concussion ) Target Practice "Nagash Gnashers" zombie
Cass Taken :
1. BH from Osiroh Malach "Yetzerhara's Minions" chaos warrior
2. SI ( Smashed Knee - niggle ) ( apoth failed ) from Gimme Sumskin "Nagash Gnashers" flesh golem
First cass for a team
First picker of the scattered ball in enemy turn
First made BH to himself on failed GFI roll
Cass Sustained :
1. BH from Pyremius "Angry Deities" high elf lineman
2. SI ( fractured arm ) from Suleman Sleyman "Hammarby" human blitzer
3. SI ( fractured leg - niggle ) ( apoth ) by Pestilence "Pest of the Best" skaven storm vermin
4. SI ( broken ribs ) by Franco "Nasty Narki" bull centaur
Cass Sustained :
1. BH from Bob Dobelina "Nasty Narki" chaos dwarf