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Frostheim Firebolts
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Vidar the Vain is a true diva, who will do anything to impress the cheerleaders. His dauntless playing style includes sprinting, blitzing, blocking and sending his enemies flying around him. He's not bad with the ball, either, as his TD count steadily keeps growing, along with the amount of his fans.
In his leisure time, Vidar likes to hang out with his fans. He is also studying to become a hairdresser, and is funding his studies by playing Blood Bowl.
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Mighty Blow
Frode the Fearless is the fastest Firebolt around. He knows no fear, as he frenzies himself through the enemy fields, inflicting damage where ever he goes. Sometimes the frenzying is a bit much, though, as his crushing blow broke the spine of a wood elf lineman, adding to the body count of the opponents of the 'bolts.
In his leisure time, Frode enjoys watching Fear Factor and flirting with them fair maidens of the Boltbabes cheerleader team.
Grim was discovered by the talent hunter of Firebolts in a rowdy bar, where he was involved in a brawl. His ability to knock his opponent out of breath was enough to ask the talent hunter to show up in a training session of the Firebolts, and he and the rest of the guys immediately hit off (no pun intended). Grim has been a valuable lineman ever since, and being a good son, he always gives a share of his wages to his widowed mother.
In his leisure time, Grim takes care of his mother's house and writes reviews for Barbrawlers Monthly.
Sture is a versatile and valuable lineman, who provides the team with both a steady defense and accurate throws. He will stop at nothing to prevent the opponent from scoring a touchdown.
In his leisure time, Sture hangs out with the Dark Elf boys from Frostheim Frenziers, and often participates their training sessions. His life is all about Blood Bowl.
Engelbrekt is a defense player by nature, and as a lineman of the Firebolts, he tends to make sure that the ball ends up to the right person. His passes have been remarkably accurate, and thus he has contributed to the ever-growing touchdown count of the team.
In his leisure time, Engelbrekt enjoys reading books, especially about architechture and art. He has a garden filled with runestones.
Geirulf is your average Firebolts lineman, who won't say no to a chance to beat an opponent, even though he might be bigger than him. Fearlessly he will stand in the line of scrimmage, waiting for the action to start.
In his leisure time, Geirulf has many hobbies such as boxing, martial arts and bar brawling.
Rurik, being known for his restless and impatient behaviour, usually gets a place in the line of scrimmage for the sheer reason that it's the only way of keeping him happy. He doesn't want to miss a second of the action, so he wants to be in the front line.
In his leisure time, Rurik is learning to master the inner zen-spirit of being a couch potato.
Finndar Fastfoot is quick to run to where ever the action is. A trusty lineman, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty, and he'll even score the occasional touchdown if the blitzers are too busy with the frenzying.
In his leisure time, Finndar trains martial arts and plays go.
Freke Firehair, a true Firebolt, is a fierce lineman with a foul temper. He is a terror amongst the wood elves - the first time he ever played against them pointy-eared little rascals, he slayed one and badly hurt another. And he wasn't even in a bad mood that day.
In his leisure time, Freke enjoys singing karaoke and drinking mead.
Loddfavnir is a tall lineman, who does not hesitate to block an opponent, no matter what the size. He is often seen standing expectantly on the line of scrimmage during kickoff, waiting for the action to happen.
In his leisure time, Loddfavnir enjoys long hikes in the forest.
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Mighty Blow
Vindalf the Venomous is a foul-mouthed youngster with an aggressive attitude. His tongue is sharp and his words are often outright venomous, which has earned him his name. He joined the Firebolts after their third match, after being recommended by his older brother, Vidar the Vain.
In his leisure time, Vindalf enjoys fishing and linguistics.
Tjalfe Thickskull may not be the sharpest tool around, but his thick skull makes him perfect for standing in the line of scrimmage and bracing himself as the enemies beat him to a bloody pulp. Well, not quite. He's not always very happy about his position, but he loves playing the game, even though he usually has to spend most of it lying in the mud.
In his leisure time, Tjalfe enjoys singing karaoke and playing darts.