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Monkey FAC, Monkey FU2
Extra Arms
Mighty Blow
Wild Animal
Block (30k)
Pro (30k)
Shaverback is the scariest player to see charging at you. That is, IF, he decides to move at all. He actually seems to be the friendliest member of the team and swears that all he wants is a nice warm hug.
Extra Arms
Mighty Blow (20k)
Devastated by the loss of her beloved Goraden in a brutal game against Nurgle's Little Ponies, Kayilla donned her fallen lovers jersey and vowed revenge. After some deliberation with coach McLovin she became the newest, bloodthirsty-est member of the Monkey FAC, Monkey FU2 lineup. Before every game, she paints her face in the blood of Goraden like morbid warpaint as a reminder as to why she is there, and what she is there to do. She has only one thing on her mind: death. And also blood. But mostly revenge. So I guess 3 things. Also her dead lover so 4 things but that's not the point here, the point that is that she is out for blood and seeks death to avenge her fallen soulmate. Most of all she desires to end the curse brought upon her dead companions body by ending the unlife and finally giving him the rest he deserves. But most MOST of all, she wants revenge by doing to coach Mootzilla's team what he did to her darling Goraden. Murdering him in cold blood.
Unsure of the rules, the startegies, or even what game he is playing, Goraydon is always a laugh and brings good vibes to the team. Taco is his spirit animal.
Extra Arms
Break Tackle (20k)
Guard (20k)
Extra Arms
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Probably the clutziest member of the team, she tripped while making her first dodge in her first game (3 1's even with a team RR) and fractured her leg... Classic ChimpMeagzee...
With the death of Austin Bonoboring, the team let out a huge sigh of relief, thinking they were done with his garbage puns, ednless rambling and negative views. He would always announce things like, "Oh we are screwed now", and "Welp, thats the game. We are FOR SURE going to lose now" on turn one. Unfortunately, he is harder to get rid of than originally thought and it seems that Bonoboring wasn't even his final form. His newest incarnation is Bonobitch and his negative pessimism has only increased, claiming loses before even hitting the pitch. His puns have only gotten worse and he now even attempts to explain them when nobody laughs, thinking that nobody understands the joke and if they only understood it they would laugh. They never laugh but always understand his "joke" (the first time he says it). Death can not come soon enough for this monkey.
Extra Arms
Block (20k)
Kick (20k)
Extra Arms
Dodge (20k)