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N.C Manticores
+MA (30k)
+MA (30k)
Strip Ball (20k)
Edgar "Macbeth" Sattler
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Art
Edgar Sattler was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. He left trials bloody handed, and thus was given the nickname "Macbeth". However, rumour has it he had just gotten back from a finger painting class. Regardless, his tyranny on the field earned him a spot on the team not only as a blitzer, but as the captain of the squad.
Frenzy (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Theodor "Titus" Ehamnn
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Cooking
Theodor Ehmann was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. During trials, he managed to gouge the throats of two fellow students. Usually, a student would be expelled from campus immediately in an event like this. However since it's blood bowl, he was given a spot on the team. After trials, he had cooking class in which he made a cake and because of this, he was given the nickname Titus.

(25 SPP, Tough guy isn't confirmed, 8 cas)
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Side Step (20k)
Sven "Puck" Beutler
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Drama
Sven Beutler was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. During trials, he pranced around players with ease as if his fellow students couldn't see him. Due to his elven agility, he was given a spot on the team as an elf. In the locker rooms however, he was a complete annoyance! He played pranks on every single student! Thus, he was given the name "Puck". Regardless of his semi-regular annoyance, Sven has a well-deserved spot on the squad and is often referred to as the heart and soul of the team.

(199 rushing yards, 7 TD's)
Guard (30k)
Wrestle (20k)
Ronald "Romeo" Behr
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Drama
Ronald Behr was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. Unlike the rest of the squad, Ronald was selected by assistant coach Hilda Kummer. It is unclear why Hilda selected Ronald, but her eye is ten times sharper than any of ours. It is rumoured that he charmed his way into selection and he is a stunning looking fellow. Which makes his selection important, as every team should have a player for the fans to drool over. Because of his charm, Ronald was given the nickname "Romeo".
Adam "Antonio" Schellscheidt
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Art
Adam Schellscheidt was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA and took a spot on the team after the passing of David "Shylock" Seckbach. Adam was previously threatened by Shylock, who told him that if he didn't let him have his spot on the team, he would take a pound of his flesh from him. As Shylock was carried off the pitch, a loud cheer was heard from Antonio. He immediately ran down to head coach Mushoomy and took his spot back into the Manticores. Because Adam was the victim of David's threats, Adam was given the nickname "Antonio".
Eggert "Hamlet" Schnyder
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Drama
Eggert Schnyder was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. Eggert is amongst the top drama students at the campus and is often seen reciting soliloquies of Wolfspeare; most notably Hamlets "To be or not to be". But being amongst the top drama students also makes him very dramatic, often going on huge emotional tangents; even midgame! Because of his dramatic tendencies however, he is often violently emotional on the blood bowl pitch, thus he was selected onto the team with the nickname "Hamlet" (which he seems to be very content with).
Olaf "Othello" Adler
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Drama
Olaf Adler was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. Similarly to Ronald, Olaf also has a lot of charm. However unlike Ronald, he earned his place on the pitch; playing with lots of emotion. Because of this, he was given the nickname "Othello". Olaf, like most students at Nordrak University studies drama. Drama is not only the most popular course on campus, but also the easiest of them all. This means Olaf can get great grades in drama, as well as focus on the sport he loves to play.
Guard (30k)
Wrestle (20k)
Roman "Pericles" Landsteiner
Age: 18
Debut Season: 7
Course at N.U: Marine Biology
Roman Landsteiner was selected for the Nordrak College Manticores during the 7th season of the CBBA. Roman was selected as a lineman as he is always ready to enter a fight, receive hits, and even dish them. Roman applied for the team in an attempt to impress his girlfriend. We do not know the name of his girlfriend, all we know is that she is the headmaster's daughter. Ouch. Because of this, Roman was given the nickname "Pericles".