Whatever Floats Your Zoat
Sure Feet
Mighty Blow (20k)
The leader of Whatever Floats Your Zoat, and the greatest comedian in the history of the universe. His puns are said to be so funny that the lesser races often die of laughter. He has spent the last 10 years honing his standup routine and practicing his witty quips and is now ready to test them on the field of bloodbowl.
Sure Feet
Block (30k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Zozo "Zoat or Die" Zoatan was Zoated as the number 1 funniest Zoat during Zoat Idol. In the final round, 90% of the Zoats present for his routine died of laughter, and he was forced to ask the remaining Zoats to Zoat for him or he would finish them off with his killer comedy.
Sure Feet
Block (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Master of prop-pun comedy, Scapezoat will keep you laughing with her slight of hand tricks that are somehow also puns.
You'll be laughing so hard at his puns you'll choke up feeling like you have a Zoat in your Throat.