[SL] Behold, The Mean Machine!
The Mutant Formally Known As 'The Beast of AAARGH!' is a reclusive and ingenious scholar in the art of violence blood-sports and has a past that is mostly kept secret from all the other members of the Mean Machine. Because it mostly doesn't exist.
The Beast of AAARGH! Is actually a series of cloned mutants kept by the enigmatic Doctor Mxylpxyl in an attempt to create the ULTIMATE BIOWEAPON TO RULE THE WORLD WITH.
Unfortunately they tend to wear out after a few days of being spawned, so they instead choose to put the mask on every new clone and pretend it's still the same beast after all this time.
Poorly mannered slave driver Bharkharth Blackblaster, was forever changed the day he was hit by an overloaded cart of Warpstone that had been cut loose by an opportunistic underling hoping for a fast track in a fast moving industry via the time honoured tradition of killing your immediate superior!
The result of being in close proximity under many many pound of warpstone for ever changed Grungni into THE INCREDIBLE SULK with the power to be horribly mutated every time he feels the slight bit peevish.
And the secret is, he /always/ feels a bit peevish.
Gorzhak Firehead was once an unassuming Warpsmith working late one the latest daemon bound siege engine when a freak lightning bolt exploded the piece of intricate forging he was working on and imbued Gorzhak with the power of GOING FAST.
Imbued with the dark energies of the warp and with the power to go faster then any living Dwarf on the planet (Which is about as fast as a human can run) Gorzhak claimed the name 'Perpendiculator' for his ability to run at a slightly faster than normal pace in a straight line straight into enemy players head first, causing terrible concussive damage to the opponent and to himself. But mostly to his opponent.
Farzhakh Silverhand long ago discarded the name given to him at birth in order to fulfill his lifelong ambition of becoming a SUPER-VILLAIN!
Not a mere Villain, which when your race is naturally petty, spiteful and inclined to casual acts of cruelty is not exactly difficult to achieve but a full on costumed, laser wielding, boast yelling, hero dangling over shark pool supervillainy supervillain!
So he gathered a selection of equally insane Chaos Dwarves and set out to form a blood-bowl team of their own as a front to disguise their truly villainous activities from the world
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
Shatan Fastarm has one arm that is noticeably bigger than the other and this is why he is on the team as a thrower.
Yes, he has heard every single joke that could be made about this.
No, he isn't going to change it because he doesn't actually have 'Strong Arm' as a skill (Yet).
No, it's not because of any nocturnal activities or lewd inclinations you might unfairly accuse him of.
It's a minor mutation he was born with and his feelings get very hurt every-time someone makes a joke about it. And when Dwarves get upset they tend to start chopping people at the knees in response.
Incidentally he is also the part time regional arm wrestling champion for 3 years running.
Sure Hands
Thick Skull
>During the Recruitment drive of the Mean Machine for the position of Thrower, candidate Khurharr Steeltoe, Alias 'Triple Ring'
"Sooo, your name is Triple Ring?"
"What does that mean exactly?"
"It means I am really good at throwing the ball sir, I'm really good at hitting the targets."
"Sooo, like a Bullseye?"
"No not like a Triple Ring! Everyone and his hellhound is naming himself Bullseye for this team, but I thought I would have the advantage of Novelty."
At the very least he did actually know how to throw the ball.
Dirty Player
Thick Skull