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Dólmael Dragons
Side Step
Esgeri is the father of the famous Raphaich family of Blood Bowl players. His children, Crumbel and Nídiel are also positional players in the Dragons. Esgeri is the captain of the team, quiet and serious, and spends long hours with the coach designing new tactics. Esgeri is the most respected of all Dragons, and his Blitzer skill is well-known all over Dólmael.
Bronad is a relatively new member of the team. He claims to be the bravest player in the team, but strangely he's never around when the situation gets real tough. His teammates call him "Stealthy", which isn't a nickname given too friendly.
Othronn is pretty large for an elf. He is famous for his strong blitzes taken from a distance, and he never fears an encounter with an opponent blocker. Othronn is the cornerstone of the Dragons' defence, and well respecter both by the fans and his fellow players.
Lamnasta is a strange one. Though his father is from Dólmael, his mother is a Wood Elf. Unfortunately, his origins can plainly be seen. Lamnasta likes to dress in a ridicilous green outfit and sing merry tunes with an awful voice.
Dímelui always wanted to become a Thrower, even though the tradition has it that Throwers are always male. To that end, Dímelui spent most of her training time practising throwing the ball, but hasn't reached the skill of the throwers. Because she never aimed to be a Catcher, she has none of those skills, either. She now plays as a Lineman for the Dragons, but still hopes to someday learn the Throw skill to be acknowledged as a true Thrower.
Glírui is a young elf. She actually isn't too fond of the game, but as her father was the famous captain of the Dragons who suffered a dramatic death by an Orc team, she felt it her responsibility to train the game as well. Glírui has often pointed out the lack of cheerleaders for their team, and some of her teammates think she would actually prefer to be one herself.
Túgweth is the loudest member of the team, always ready to criticize his fellow players, the referee, the opponent - whomever he likes. Considering of his annoying shouting throughout the match and the bad dirty jokes he tells outside the games, the team probably tolerates Túgweth only because of his remarkable throwing skill.
Crumbel is the son of Esgeri and the brother of Nídiel, and thus a member of the famous Raphaic Bowler family. Crumbel tried to follow his father's footsteps and become a Blitzer, but he soon realized that his true talent was elsewhere and became the leading Thrower of the Dragons. Crumber is well-liked in the team and always willing to cheer the team up, even at the moments of defeat.
Nerves of Steel
The daughter of Esgeri and the sister of Crumbel, Nídiel is a member of the famous Raphaic Bowler family. Light and fast, Nídiel has been acknowledged as the best Catcher in the town and she has become one of the key players of the team. Many young elves admire her talent at catching the ball even in the toughest of situations.
Lathel has a clear lead in the fouling records of the Dragons. Although fouling is generally not much appreciated in the team, Lathel is an exception and is fond of taking every opportunity to do something nasty when the ref's not looking. She know practically every trick in the book and is willing to use them, as well.
Rinciaur used to be the star Thrower of the team. However, an accident made him lose his appreciated throwing skill, and many expected Rinciaur to retire. Instead, he became a Lineman and does his best as he frantically tries to regain his former skills.
Himraen is a young elf who feels that the kind of game the elves play is "old-fashioned and boring". He'd like to be part of a basher team, for he feels that bashing is much more fun than running and passing. Even so, he enjoys the game so much that he insisted on getting a chance to play in the Dragons.
In her youth, Gonathra has suffered something terrible. She doesn't talk about it, but says that she joined the Dragons 'to get away from it all'. IN any case, the team respects Gonathra as a skillful Catcher as well as a good friend.