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Anarchic Mafia
The Don's Right-Hand man, Paulie is an old veteran at organised
crime. He has been in the most gang wars and is only second to the
Don himself when it comes to negotiating "terms of business" with their
tenants. Called "The Parrot" by the other Mafiosos due to his quick
talking and inability to produce an imaginative answer. Whenever the
boss discusses matters with Paulie, Paulie repeats every single word
the Don says to make him appear like he knows what is going on. The
Don caught on to this and called him "The Parrot" and it stuck.
Furrio is one of the elite Mob bosses in the Mafia. With ties to the
Godfather himself, his bloodline is respected by even rival gangs. His
family pride masks the problems that Furrio faces beacause with infamy
comes implications. He regularly has sessions with "The Shrink" to gain
the stability he needs to lead his gangsters. Furrio is a master bank
robber and can get his explosive experts to take out half of a block if he
wanted. His fondness for TNT has led him to be called "Big Bomb".
Harry has an explosive personality. Constantly agitated has snaps when
given an excuse to, turning into a unstoppable onslaught of rage. He is
famous for brutally killing his brother when he found out that he was
sleeping with his wife. Harry was so furious that, when he found the two
in bed, he grabbed a hatchet from the toolshed and produced a fatal
blow to the back of his brother head then went on to deliver over 100
hacks into his wife. He was deservably called "The Hatchet" after that
gruesome double-murder.
Barry is a self-respecting priest that ensures that the Mafia are
blessed by the holy trinity at all times. He enjoys drinking heavily and
smoking cigars, all paid for by the Don. He lives a comfortable life but is
threatened by the other Mob bosses if he becomes too relaxed about a
situation. Seeing internal killings and beatings Barry is well aware of
the violence within the Mafia. To show that he can hold his own, Barry
personally drowned one of the gang members that offended him and
was given the name "The Baptist" during this period.
An intelligent and witty assassin of the Mafia. A former member of the
Nuln Rifle Association where he learnt how to handle a telescopic
Empire long rifle which he stole in order to carry out killings from a
distance. He was exiled from the Nuln Rifle Association and has settled
down working forthe Mafia as a hitman. Not trusted by the other
mafiosos, Jimmy is an isolated murderer who spends his free time
creating weapons that hecan use on the bloodbowl field. When he
causes a casualty in a game, it isn't due to a block but due to one of his
many lethal contraptions.
Luigi is the youngest "Made Man" of the Mafia and he is considered
Kid Wonderful of the group due to his early success as a Mafioso.
Cousin of the Godfather himself Luigi has a strong magnetism to
broads. The older generation of Mob bosses call him "The Pimp"
because he treats girls with too much respect and has a way with
persuading them to do anything he wants.
Vinnie is one of the Made Men of the Mafia. He deals with the legal side
of the family businesses and is the Mafiasos' lawyer when witnesses
aren't prevented from standing up in the court of justice against them. A
classy businessmen that has made big during his time with the Mafia.
Has his own ring of bodyguards but he thinks he can handle the
Bloodbowl field without them.
The more physical aspect of the Mafia is run by many Mob bosses and
Billy, or "The Bully", is the meanest of them all. Small in size he uses dirty
tactics to take out the opposition that are a bit too hard to tackle legally.
Billy knows all the tricks of fouling and kicking a man when he's down.
This, obviously, promotes anger in the opposition and Billy has come out
of matches with some of the worst injuries. Billy is renowned for picking
on the isolated players and has gained the nickname of "The Bully".
No-one knows what makes Marco tick. He acts like an innocent child
playing with toy soldiers minding his own business, but when someone
interupts his train of thoufht he becomes lost. He glimpses reality when
he is forced out of his dream world by someone who doesn't know him.
Marco is a small child trapped in the body of a giant. Massive in size he
cannot comprehend his own strength. Once in a bar, a policeman asked
for his identity. Marco kept himself in his own world, scared of reality. The
policeman shoke Marco to try and stir him, but the policeman did not
know what stirred inside Marco. Marco stood up and grabbed the
policeman by the shoulder and told him to go away. His grip was so tight
that the policeman bones cracked and twisted. In agony the policemen
screams on the floor. People tried to run out of the bar, but Marco
realised that if he let them go he would be in big trouble with the Don,
who he looked up to as a father. Marco tried to persuade the customers
to stay but they rushed out the door. Marco pulled out his tommy gun and
mowed them down along with all the pedestrians in the vicinity as well
as passing drivers. Some call him "The Lunatic" and the rest "The Loon".
Joey is the older of two brothers that used to work for an Irish whisky
company until it was occupied by the Mafia. Very protective over his own
blood, he has been tied up with the Mafia as a backstreet gangster for
his whole life, to bring in the money needed to get his brother into a good
life. Never having the background to be a Made Man, Joey is a down to
earth mobster that has kept himself as pure as possible in the eyes of
God, which can be very difficult in the underground world of crime.
Silvio loves Italian, American and Mexican cuisine. In fact his likes
anything that is edible. By far the fattest Mob boss of them all, Silvio is
mocked by even the inferior gangsters of the family. He has a small
district to govern given to him through his connections with the
Godfather's brother's son-in-law's uncle. Anyway, no-one trusts Silvio to
do anything and he is only accepted as a Mob boss due to his ties. He is
more interested in food than doing business. He sees the Bloodbowl
team as a method of showing all those feather-weight gangsters what
brawling is all about; body mass!
Big Guy
Bone Head
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team Mate
The brother of the Godfather, Slavatore is a very respected Don of the
Mafia as a whole. He is the father figure within the Anarchic Mafia and
have traveled to the top on his own. A hard worker and brilliant
businessman who's lived through a lot, and there aren't many things he
would lose his cool over. He is one of those Mafians, for whom the
money wasn't the main motivation for building of their positions. Going
over dead bodies wasn't the only method of achieving their goals. He is
friendly, but when it comes to it, he can get really angry. 'Business first'
and friendship must go aside sometimes. Followed about on the field by
his personal bodyguards with tommy guns, he can take out the
opposition pretty easily (therefore explaining why he has strength 5 and
Mighty Blow).
Sammy grew up in the family and was a professional boxer. His father
wanted was a Mob boss and wantedhim to become a citizen but when Sammy headbutted an
opponent during a championship match, he has been hunted by the
Police for nearly a year. Being around gangsters all his life has meant
that Sammy has practiced his fighting ability since a child and the
headbutt he delievered during that match was so powerful that it
fractured the opponent's skull and caused irreversible brain damage.
Sammy has always been a brawler and his boxing career has given him
the nickname "Hard Head".