17 coaches online • Server time: 03:59
Ancient Animosity
+MA (30k)
"You're a Tomb Guardina, Ottrokh. Tomb Guardians don't have cunning."
Those were the words that inspired Ottrokh to set out and join Blood Bowl with his self-proclaimed title. Being slightly faster than every other Tomb Guardian might not qualify as the kind of cunning he was hoping for, but it definitely helps him nonetheless.
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Norin was a scholar in his previous life. He loved reading books and studying in his free time. It's a shame he doesn't get much time to do that anymore these days, as he's too preoccupied crushing the skulls of his opponents instead.
Tackle (20k)
Straight from the grave, Amar was given his uniform and put onto the pitch. Not really knowing what's going, Amar spent most of his early games completely out of position, rather than anywhere close to where he was supposed to stand. But as time went on, he's really found his place. In particular, he enjoys making sure people don't just walk away from him while he's having a conversation with them.
What's next for Amar? Time will tell.
Thick Skull
Dirty Player (20k)
Mectotmo has always been too cool for school. In fact, that's why he's gotten into Blood Bowl in the first place. After being graciously resurrected, he went straight to the recruitment office to get onto the next best team. His mission? To mess people up. We're not talking goody two-shoes here, we're talking bone to the face. Mectotmo has been repeatedly sent off for rearranging people's faces while they're on the ground, so much so that he's earned his reputation as the "Dirtman".
How long will he be able to keep this up until he's banned from Blood Bowl entirely?
Sure Hands
Kick-Off Return (20k)
Seham's always been a bit shy. He doesn't particularly enjoy people putting expectations on him or the pressure that comes with it. That's why he chose to be a measly Thrower on a team, hoping that this still nets him some income without the potential loss of limbs that's typically associated with Blood Bowl. Imagine his surprise when he found out that his primary role is to carry the ball into the enemy goal without ever letting go of it.