17 coaches online • Server time: 05:58
Limmared Lowlifes
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Wild Animal
Break Tackle (20k)
Juggernaut (20k)
Minotaur number three, added to the team after the previous Minotaur took a viking to the collar bone. The newbie of the team, and as such very awkward.
Favourite drink: "Witch brew" - a tiny bit of everyone else's drinks so they won't notice that he nicekd it.
Mighty Blow
Thick Skull
Throw Team-Mate
+MA (30k)
Block (30k)
Grab (20k)
Guard (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
Added to the team late in the team's first season, replacing long lost Per-Sven (R.I.P.). Perra-Svenne always wears a helmet. He never eats, or uses the toilet (despite drinking quite a lot), according to his team-mates. He has no relation to Per-Sven, however.
Turned down a strange strength-increasing brew of potion from a suspicious guy at the gym. Learned to up his blocking game instead, and the coach hasn't regretted it yet.
Favourite drink: Swedish "Elk Brew X-strong" beer. Temperature is unimportant.
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
Block (30k)
Grab (20k)
Guard (20k)
Stand Firm (20k)
The oldest big guy in the team, and also the dumbest. Hasn't managed much in his career other than standing in the way picking his nose, but somehow the nose-picking seems to be very popular with the audience! LÖBBL:s season one top MVP together with Reassembling Skeleton's Bloodghast (3 MVP:s awarded in total).
Got his first CAS in his ninth game, a kill on an unskilled Vampire Thrall. Has since squished an AG5 High Elf Lineman, as well.
Learned the art of blocking after his tenth game.
Favourite drink: Screwdriver (Explorer Vodka and Bravo orange juice)
One of the Tenacious Six
Horns (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
Found by Bertil-Fredrik at a club for classic-style greek wrestling. Has no certain interest in men beyond the platonic. No, really.
Favourite drink: Vodka Red Bull
One of the Tenacious Six
Right Stuff
Horns (20k)
Two Heads (20k)
The team's second goblin (but he doesn't know that), and the first goblin to gain a level. Apparently, some of his team mates thought it'd be a fun prank to put warpstone in his drink, because he grew horns!
Favourite drink: Norrlands Guld 2,8%
Block (20k)
Foul Appearance (20k)
Joined the team for their comeback season after Bertil-Fredrik found him drunk in the bathroom of Pizzeria Tropic. Loves getting drunk, and loves getting hit in the face, preferably in the same night.
Favourite drink: "Bloody Dolfar" - Equal parts elf blood, vodka, and rat poison.
Paul-Erik is one of only two players in the team who has demonstrated he can throw the ball, and not just fight like the rest of the Lowlifes. Rumours has it he is over-zealously overprotective of his girlfriend, and this reflects on his play style on the pitch as well, where he prefers to help out his team mates.
Favourite drink: lukewarm Carlsberg Black Gold, served right out of the can.
One of the Tenacious Six
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Fan Favourite (30k)
Frenzy (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
The Star Slayer - Ulrik-Peter killed
Bloodghast, Emerging Star and then most experienced player in all of LÖBBL, during Season 2. He also killed
Virgil Valentine in the very first turn of the finals of LÖBBL season 2, but the elf was saved by the Apothecary. Valentine was left with a smashed knee, however, from which he will never recover. During the team's comeback adventure, he also killed the vile
Anna Jansson of the foul Mindaugas.
Ulrik Peter is the team's angriest player, and one of the most violent. Makes the "Drinking problem? I don't have a drinking problem - I drink, I get drunk, I fall down - no problem!" joke at least once a night, and then tends to forget about it. Kind of racist towards elves and goblins.
LÖBBL season 2 top hitter!
LÖBBL season 3 top hitter!
LÖBBL season 12 top hitter!
Favourite drink: dônk
One of the Tenacious Six
Breaker of Legends: Fredrik-Fredrik killed
Christopher Polhem with a well-placed foul.
Gambler at heart, carries loaded dice around with him wherever he goes.
Favorite drink: "Piggelin" (Jelzin vodka with ice cream in it what the fuck)
+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Claw (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
The heavy-hitter on the team that's not born big and dumb. Works out alone a lot, and never lets anybody touch or even look into his gym bag. Known to pick up anonymous packages from the local Ica boutique. Has been upstaged by Ulrik-Peter for quite some time now, but is gaining on his rival blitzer with his new-found Claws!
Forever stuck at 50 SPP's it seems. DISREGARD THAT!
After the break, Karl-Alexander managed a CAS in his first game of the season and promptly increased his strength, rivalling Ulrik-Peter as the team's premiere blitzer.
LÖBBL season I most enduring player!
LÖBBL season III Top Blocker!
Favourite drink: Whatever is the cheapest booze, served as shots.
One of the Tenacious Six
Accurate (20k)
Pass (20k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Somehow this SJW managed to get a spot on the team. Rumour has it it's because of his ability to throw a rock through a barn wall.
Favorite drink: Organic, micro-brewery beer at optimal temperature. Runar-Jon drinks alone, most of the time.