20 coaches online • Server time: 10:08
Borussia Knochenmehl
Mighty Blow
Stand Firm
Mighty Blow
Another (extraordinary) zombie of the team...
Burim, the former living Bull Centaur, joined the Borussia from the Chaosdwarven Team "Deep Dwarvs" on july 4th 04 as he died to balance the loss of "Ludwig, the zombie", who unfortunately suffered a random niggling in that game just a few rounds before....
(As all the others Ludwig will stay with the team, sharing the responsiblity for drinks and entertainment with Wilhelm)
The smallest zombie of the team...
Nikolas joined the Borussia from the dwarven Team "Big-Bigger-Dwarfs" on july 2nd 04 as he died to balance the loss of "Wilhelm, the zombie", who unfortunately suffered a muscular atrophy in that game just a few rounds before....
(Fortunatly Wilhelm will stay with the team, being responsible for drinks and entertainment!)
Former Orc... (double-stink-rate!)
KnubblaZ, former member of the Orc team "BroZis", decided to die just to balance the loss of "Friedrich, the zombie", who unfortunatly died in that match just 2 rounds before....