+ST (50k)
Block (20k)
Dodge (20k)
Aragar emerged as a future star for the Black Dragon Knights on 2019-11-30 during a tough match against the brutal Khemri team, Follower's of Set.
Calemirdir, Aragar's teammate and a rookie Catcher playing in his first game, was knocked out while streaking down the sideline on the 2nd turn; Sercenamba, a veteran Lineman with the team since its inception, scooped up the loose ball to score on the next turn.
Wanting to avenge his teammate and not have his Catchers shown up by a Lineman for a TD, Aragar threw an all-out block against Nakhthorheb, badly hurting him and picking up the ball later in the first half. Despite a blitz and two blocks on the following turn, Aragar stayed on his feet and was off down the sideline to score the second TD of the first half.
A dedicated Khemri supporter, not pleased at being down 2-0 to "Elfbowl" at halftime, launched a large rock at Aragar while he was he was trotting out for the second half's opening kickoff. The rock blindsided Aragar squarely in the back of the head, leaving him face down and lifeless on the pitch.
Dagor, the team's Blitzer and first ever captain, quickly called the apothecary over who was able to revive Aragar to play again.
As the second half grinded on, the team struggled to break the Khemri cage. As the Follower's of Set were about to score a touchdown to bring the score to 2-1, Renenet put his boot down on Dagor, crushing his windpipe, and ending his life.
Depsite the victory and excellent performance, Aragar was frustrated and felt guilty the apothecary used to revive him was not available for Dagor. Determined to honor Dagor's memory, and to never require apothecary use again, he focused exclusively on physical training after the match, increasing his strength beyond what is normal for a High Elf.