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Hewstone Howlers
Erik Sableshanks, third son of the mayoral family, became the Howlers number 1 can even before the teams first official game. He never missed the teams practice matches in which animated corpses and Necromantic experiments would tear one another apart until the last remaining constructs made up the final team roster. Bitten by the Blood Bowl bug, he approached the necromancers castle to ask how he could help the team. Infected by lycanthropy, Erik Darkhowl descended the mountain as captain of the team.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
The jaundiced corpse of Jack the Tavern keeper. He ran the Howling Haunt, the official Hewstone Howlers tavern, till he was knifed by a gang of goblin fans of a rival team. He killed 5 of the little buggers before he died. He was raised as a zombie and given a position on the team as reward for his service.
Game 1 vs. Mr Robot: On the gobbos’ starting drive, their bomber chucked a bomb at ‘Jaundiced’ Jack. It fell right into his hands. A glimmer of the memory of his deathly fight popped into his head and he chucked the bomb at a cluster of 4 goblins and a troll, sending one KO’d off the field, stunning the doom diver, and knocking the rest to the ground, fouling up a first half attempt to tie the game.