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Quivverin Squigz
It doesn't take much to understand why Fundagutz is the current captain of the Squiqz. A veteran of the lower leagues and scarred veteran of the landorc industry, there isn't much that daunts Grog. If he's not putting pints of Fungus Brew away in the Squig then he's probably putting other Orcs away on the training ground.
Excessive training has led Grog to become an absolute team player by learning the Guard skill.
Morg fought his way from the Badlandz to Squigmire to sample the exquisite Fungus Brew made in the Quivverin Squig. During the initial draft, as the 2nd biggest Orc in the room, it was only natural to make him part of the starting line up.
Gurgut used to run the Black Goblin Fightin League in Squigmire, long before the Quivverin Squigz came to town. For many years, Gurgut was the champion of the League before seeking fame with the Squigz.
Would of RIP'd vs Undead Grandslammers (Apoth'd)
Skrag Scarmaker is actually an Orc tattooist. He specialises in the exotic art of scar tattoos which are very popular in Squigmire. This fine, intricate method of tattooing only requires an old knife, a sharp knife and a big choppa for "Da Best Battle Scars Teef Can Buy!".
Received a nasty scar that would of killed him from Ha''a of Rubber Bones but for a wandering apothecary.
Dodged a smashed ankle when Ha''a came to finish the job in the second half. This time the team apothecary was able to save the day.
Mighty Blow (20k)
Tackle (20k)
Far from sneaky, Fudd is actually quite tricksy for an Orc. If he's not scamming Teef out of Goblin merchants, he's probably somewhere being loud.
Some intensive training sessions on a punching bag have lead Fudd da Sneaka to master the art of a Mighty Blow.
Smashed the knee of Hrappr Skorageirrson vs Comptoir de Birka
Morgoth lived in Squigmire before the Quivverin Squigz came to town. A simple Orc, Morgoth was enthralled by the opportunity to embrace fame, fortune and Fungus Brew.
Hard training led to the opening touchdown and MVP award in the first match for the Squigz. After being almost run rampant by dodging Gutter Runners, Morgoth has trained himself to take down the trickiest of opponents.
Stikka has always had a knack for spinning things to make him look great. Whether he's claiming fame or declaring he won a fight, he always manages the spin such a tale that nobody dares challenge him in case he starts the tale again!
Lessons shared by Morgoth have helped Stikka learn how to Tackle!
Berg's claim to fame is the infamous fist fight he lost to an extremely rotund Orc. So he bashed him from behind with a big stick after the fight was over.
Would of RIP'd after a horrific block by Nubitek of Karonte's Riders but the apothecary managed to stem the bleeding.
With his teeth blackened by years of Coala, Borg makes a grim sight. Aside from his permanently stained fangs, there's not much to know about this Orc currently.
Sure Hands
Dodge (30k)
Zimma is probably the only Orc on the team who's had some special training. Specifically, his training was for how to pick up and throw the ball as that's apparently something he needs to know to be successful at Blood Bowl.
As the bait for Morgoth's tackling practicing, Zimma has become very proficient at learning how to Dodge!
Always Hungry
Mighty Blow
Really Stupid
Throw Team-Mate
+ST (50k)
Big Lobba wandered into Squigmire just as the Squigz began to experience a few hidings that were simply not acceptable for an Orc team. With Skrag being literally murdered and mutilated in the same match, Lobba seemed like a solid choice. Big Lobba didn't wander into town by accident of course, he was brought there and placed outside the Quivverin Squig by Frig da Fundabolt.
Crippled Skullduggery Unpleasant vs Touchdowns Are Overrated (Broken Neck (-1AG)
Fueled by Squigmire's finest Pale Mushroom Ale, Big Lobba gets wildly drunk before matches. A welcome +ST buff to the team
Frigg is the mastermind behind Big Lobba, the secret weapon of the Squigz. With more than a few tricks up his sleeve, Frigg will soon be living up to his self-gained nickname, Fundabolt.
"Savage" Sawteef wandered into town in the midst of Skunka's retirement party. His boar-like squeal, luminous blue warpaint and lack of conventional Orc clothing made an appealing site for the Squigz.