Restless of Chiquboltek Ruins
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Block (30k)
Guard (30k)
Blue-scaled female from the sacred spawning, that is guarding the temple and the Headpriest since ancient times.
She took a bad wound on the pitch, suddenly returned without really recognizing any other member off the team, except her father.
She seems like a hatchling now.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Block (30k)
Frenzy (30k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Tackle (30k)
Blue-scaled female from the Sacred Spawning that protects the temple and the Headpriest.
She has developed into a really fiery menace on the pitch and can get in great rage, when attacking opposing players.
From Lustria with love!
Awarded to best players of the Lustria Regionals. Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team. She gained the award for inflicting the most casualties in Year seven, spring.
Triple X!
She earned the award for causing 3 casualties against
Awarded to any player reaching 51+ SPP. Player is recognized as one of the absolute stars of the league.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Block (30k)
Guard (30k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Blue-scaled female from the Sacred Spawning that protects the temple and the Headpriest.
She has a rather clear head on the pitch and holds the line with her brothers and sisters.
Stand Firm
Thick Skull
Block (30k)
Guard (30k)
Mighty Blow (30k)
Tackle (30k)
He has no name.
He is ancient.
He has been guarding the temple forever.
Now he is on the pitch, because his Slann masters demand it.
Star Player
Awarded to any player reaching 51+ SPP. Player is recognized as one of the absolute stars of the league.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.
Diving Tackle
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Block (30k)
Guard (30k)
After the headpriest got malmed, he retired from the pitch. He has now sent his writing slave to do the dirty business on the pitch. He just seems as non-suited as the Headpriest himself to fight on the green and red grass.
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Target Eliminated
Awarded when a player kills another player that has earned at least one Achievement worth at least 10 Prestige Points.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.
Nubilek (Restless of Chiquboltek Ruins) fouled Atassian Tirax (Scavenger of Human Sorrow) in this match.
Diving Catch
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Block (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Awarded top fouler for the team!
Stuck in the mud
Utubek (Restless of Chiquboltek Ruins) (Fouls) - 10 Prestige points!
Utubek (Restless of Chiquboltek Ruins) (Fouls) - 10 Prestige Points
Awarded to best players of Cloth division tournament.
Worth 10 Prestige Points to the team as long as that player is on the team.
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Diving Tackle
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Block (30k)
Guard (30k)
It is something the Highpriest cooked up in his lab...we are kinda scared off her
Diving Catch
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Block (30k)
Dodge (30k)
Strip Ball (30k)
Tackle (30k)
He is not actually a Blitz-Ra, but he has the same crown!
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs
Pogo Stick
Thick Skull
Very Long Legs